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Sunday, December 22, 2013

GG, Bowl Games Part I: Being Mike Leach

Mike Leach. The brunt of jokes even from little kids in Texas.
Maybe this will make some of the 7 of us who tapped Wash U in the New Mexico Bowl (and then watched Mike Leach suffer a late game mini-stroke and blow a huge lead) feel better.

GG results, first set of bowls.

DBlowLongTime: 2. Stays in first with 46.
BroPube: Deuce. Second with 44.
ClemboSlice. Say hello to my sweep, he says. 5. Moves into third with 39.
Jimbosuke. 1. Fucking Fresno State. They suck, Paul. 36.
Snottie. Two right. 35. Tied with his butt buddy McLovin'.
McLovin'. SCHWEEPER. 5. Back in it with 35.
QLove. double. 34.
SeaBag. dub. 33.
CCS. deuce. Mike Leach death threat called in. 30.
Randude. Der Sveepenhausen. 5. Up from obscurity at 28.
SockPuppet. 1. Embarrassing performance. 26.
Timay! 0. No entry. "Welllll, the world needs ditch diggers too, Danny."

Commissioner for Life.


  1. D and Bro, Be lookin' ova yo shodas, I's a comin' with some pretty tasty closing speed for ya.....McDesparate
