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Friday, April 19, 2013

Riddle Diddle

Riddle me this Diddlers: when is the best time for the BRFL Season Seven payout?

Answer: Saturday night, July 20th, 2013. 30 Fair Street. 6 PM. There will be t-shirts. There will be BBQ.
And there will be booze. Join in the shenanigans. Try, like BroPaul, to eat and drink your way to solvency. Snott and McLovin", in your particular cases, this could be fatal. But you will at least die smiling.

Any douche with an idea of how we can reinvigorate the league (in a nut-sack, sickening tailspin ever since we went blog) be prepared for humiliating ridicule and possible assault.

I am in total control.

Commissioner for Life


  1. Get rid of the dead weight who don't contribute to the blog. We can find another dozen or so who aren't freeloaders than our current collection of fart boxes.

  2. Make me pay triple. And have the league pick for me.

  3. How about every time my team loses, every member of the league can poke my touch hole with an electric cattle prod?

  4. Uhhhh, I could give mustache rides. Whatever that means.

  5. Reinvigorate the league? I'm thinking this year, I will be topless the whole season. Yep. You heard me. Topless. The WHOLE season.

  6. Hey, don't blame the blog! I love the blog! I love new things! The blog is the best thing that happened to the league. Bring on more new stuff! Let's reinvigorate the BRFL facebook page! BRFL Twitter! More new stuff. I love adapting to new stuff.

  7. Here's my $350. Not picking a team this year. Just take my money. So much easier this way. I'm feeling better already.

  8. Oh, God. I love (!!!!!!) the BRL!! I can't wait for another dry-reaming and complementary trip below the poverty line next year. It's so BOSS! Fucking A, Lads! I might pick Michigan again. They suck! Plus their morbidly obese pedophillic coach is "installing" a pro-style offense. Sack bait, anyone?! What fun. Here's my check. Now kick me in the nut sack. PLEASE!!!

  9. Payout! Yes, I love it. I'm bringing my troll ("Billy") who does all my thinking for me and whom I hold personally responsible if I lost money this year. I don't really know what happened last season because I never got on this awesome, awesome blog. That's why I'm so clueless and totally at the mercy of my BillyTroll.

  10. Oh, and I think this year, I'm gonna be extra smug about my league domination. Especially when everyone else is facing doom and and pay day loans. You know, a few, "Gee fellas, isn't this league fun" kind of emails. Smug. Smuggy, smug, smug.

  11. I'm into man scaping, no body hair left!

  12. I'm into man scaping, no body hair left!

  13. Okay, Sean, I get it. You're into man scaping. Lighten up, for God's sake.

