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Thursday, April 25, 2013

McLovin' Burns Out


McLovin" has thrown a rod. The pressure of manning the GG controls broke the poor fucker.
He's fetaled up in the corner of his master bath, gibbering like a monkey. It's sad but he fucking begged (yes, BEGGED) me to take the reins for Season 8. I can't believe it either.  I thought he had more sand than that too. But, WTF? Live and learn, right? I mean, Elvis choking on a chicken bone while he was trying to grind one out on the can, that was a shock too. Right? At least it surprised me.
So, bad news for you, CornHoles. It's the Commish back behind the wheel for GG. Every week I'm going to fuck with you. No, I don't think I WILL have any mercy, come to think of it. Can you say "no more mister nice guy?". Don't expect exclamation points and 20 point bullshit bonanzas from this Great Big Nut Sack. No. That's  not how I plan on rolling, MicroPenis.
You'll get three games a week and LIKE it, ShitPants.
Zero Sympathy, AssQuotient.
You disgust me. You're in for some SHIT. Oh yes.

Commissioner for Life.
Chief Administrator, Dept. of GG.


  1. Commish, Need my meds..please..PLEASE..mcToast

  2. Help is on the way, McLovin'. Stay away from the windows and doors.
