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Friday, August 10, 2012

Lester the Molester Loses One

Honey Badger out at LSU. Crazy Les Miles pukes up the LSU party line, like, "we're gonna miss the nutty little bastard but you just can't set buildings on fire and kill babies and stay in school". Nobody's talking about what the "violation of team rules" was. Probably trying to make 5 bucks off his own image or something just as heinous. But the HB is out. Hey, they can win without him. Not. This is why we here at the BRFL front office wait until the AP poll comes out before we get off the jewel encrusted Commissioner's toidy bowl and get serious about research. DAMN the coaches poll. And damn you, Les Miles, Michigan Man wannabee, you say, numbskull. You and your gumbo scumbo can suck eggs. Welcome to Loserville, HatBoy.

1 comment:

  1. Rumor is he likes the wacky weed and cover up the third failed drug test- and mandatory exile- was too complex to pull of in da bayou. Buried in the story is that the Almighty AP poll comes out August 18.
