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Wednesday, December 28, 2022

GG Bowlathon Chapter 3 Results

Chapter #3.
Again. Do I even have to say it? No Sweeps.

Wake Forest humbles Missouri, 27 - 17. 

The New Mexico State Aggies dump Bowling Green 24 - 19.

Wisconsin pushes Oklahoma State around, 24 - 17. Year of the Badger.

Lola. Faith in the Badger pays a dividend. +1 to make 27.
CCS. Add one for the Wake Forrest pick. 29. These games are important. Hello?
DPo. Muddled picks surprise no one. +1 to go to 27.
SpecialK (aka Broni). So close. +2 to make 25. 
Timmy! Hangs on to the lead despite himself. +1 to make 41. Bowl game stay-cation and you need every fucking point, Bitch.
'Bo$uke. Roll on with the GG Season of Suck. +1 to make 27.
SockPuppet. Two up, Two down. Zero on the Chapter. Total 25. Did you have a pick on the Wake Forrest game? If I missed it let me know. Loser.
Q. 'O' for Three. Stay at 31. Still have a shot at the Cheese but, well, maybe get your shit together.
DogTheBountyHunter. +1. New Mexico, Land of Enchantment. 36. One Sweep away from glory.
BreauxFreaux. Almost, Breaux. +2 to go to 38. Making a game of it. The world holds its breath.
Snottie. Just missed. +2 to go to 36. And you won your bowl game. Climbing the ladder. 
Ronde'. +1 to make 30. Yesterday's news.
McLovin. Another no-hitter and the Lovin stalls out at 27.
ChiChi. Nails +1 to move up to 27. I like the tenacity.

Commissioner for Life

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