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Saturday, December 3, 2022

GG Week 13 Results

 Week 13.

No Sweeps.

Lola. 3 swings, 3 misses. 0 for the week. Stay at 24.
CCS. Nailed the USC game. +1. 23 total.
DPo. Strike out. Stay at 22.
Bronie. 1 right. Go to 20.
Timmy! Close, but no cigar. 2 to go to 36. The Leader.
'Bo$uke. Got 1. Go to 22.
SockPuppet. Got 1. 21.
Q. 1 right. 29 total.
DogTheBountyHunter. Add 2 to go to 30.
BreauxFreaux. Add 1 to go to 33.
Snottie. Picks up 1 to go to 30.
ChibaChew. 1 to go to 24.
Ronde'. Almost. 2 to make 26.
McLovin. 1 to go to 22. Keep choppin' wood. Or something.

Commissioner for Life.

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