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Monday, October 3, 2022

BRFL Week 5 Results

 BRFL Week 5.

'Woe be to the Inhabitants of the Earth and of the Sea!
For the Devil is come down unto you.
Having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.'

- Revelations 12:12

The BRFL season marches on.

Lola. Notre Dame with the BYE week. Would that they could all be bye weeks for the Domers. Stay @ - 29.

scUM dumps Iowa in Kinnick, 27 - 14. Starting to look like the Lads from Ann Arbor are for real. AP doesn't care. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, no love. +2 weekend, CCS @ + 11 on the season. 

Tulane, the Green Wave, drops the U of Houston 27 - 24, and this was a home tilt for Houston. This is shaping up to be a nightmare season for The Po. Stay at minus 4.

Oregon cock-whips Stanford at home, 45 - 27. Fear the Tree my ass. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, 1 for the move up and KBron is in third place with +6.

Meechy State loses again, this time on the road against perennial powerhouse Maryland, 27 - 13. Mel Tucker on the hot seat. MooU going nowhere. Teebs is about to enter the witness protection program. Again. Minus 11 is your enduring shame, Bitch.

West Virginia visits Texas in Austin and gets waxed, 38 - 20. No love from the AP. 'Bo$$uke picks up one to go to +3.

Oklahoma State with the  visitor's ass beat on host Baylor, 36 - 25. AP is offended. Power plunge out of the Poll (minus 9) and then the obligatory, sadistic REAM! for - 5 more. A devastating weekend for the SockPuppet. He is lain to rest at minus 15.

Q. Iowa continues to disappoint. Can't dispose of The Evil Wolverine Conspiracy at home and gets drilled by Bleu 27 - 14. Stay at plus 3. This year, that's respectable. Still, an opportunity squandered.

DogTheBountyHunter. Utah bangs the Beavers 42 - 16 for the win. Yes, Dog shoots a lot of Beaver to the tune of 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop and 1 for the AP move up. Ramming Beaver yields +3 for the Dog and he settles at Minus 1 on the season. 

NC State throws a scare into Dabo the Perpetual Asshole, in 'Death Valley' but they still come up short, losing 20 - 30. 

BroFro takes it on the chin as the AP docks him 4 for losing by ten points to heavily favored Clam-son on the road. Where's the justice? Still +6 total, tied for the Old Piano Pounder Award. 

Wisconsin goes on the road against the dependably awful Illini and gets nuked 34 - 10. To quote DPo, and probably for the last time, 'Chryst is crucified' as the Board of Trustees pulls the plug on Paul Chryst's tenure. Sad. Especially if you're Snottie. Minus 10. Wow. 

ChiChi. Cincy takes a road trip to Tulsa and dumps the Golden Hurricanes 31 - 21. Somehow, someway the AP is orgasmic over this minor feat and it's 1  for the win, 1 for the move up into the Poll @ #24 and DIDDLE! DIDDLE! DIDDLE! for ChibaChew, +5 more. It's been a while since we've seen a DIDDLE! The Chew is right back in the thick of it with +3. Nice.

Ronde'. USC hosts the Sun Devils of Az. State and promptly bends them over to the tune of 42 - 25. The USC pick is shaping up as legendary. +2 drives Ronde' up to +18 and, really, no one else is even close. Not sure how I feel about this.

McLovin. Ohio State shells Rutgers at home, 49 - 10. The Buckeye QB has an off day. The team is injury riddled. Still. Rutgers. 49 -10. Miyan Williams goes off for 189 and 5 TDs. 
Our Honor Defend.
The 'Lovin' @ minus 1. 

See you next week, Bitches.

Commissioner for Life

1 comment:

  1. Teebs who? Last seen diving off the Golden Gate Bridge with a weighted vest and cement shoes.
