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Tuesday, September 6, 2022

BRFL Week 1 Results

 Week 1 BRFL:

You can run as many crazed leprechauns onto the field as you want but you can't beat Ohio State. Catholic flagellants sent home for some serious soul searching and maybe a little buggery in the rectory basement. 
Ohio State 21, Domers 10. Lola gets blistered right out of the blocks. Naught for points, then minus three for the AP thumbs down, remember she started at minus 6. Lola, you pull into the pits @ minus 9. 
It's week ONE.

Evil scUM violates Colorado State 51 - 7 in the Big House. Colorado State really sucks but CCS is stoked. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, AP shows a lot of love with +4 move up and it's a 6 point subtotal. Of course CCS started at minus 3 so he stands at +3 final. 

Houston 37, University of Texas, San Antonio 35, in overtime. An inauspicious start for DPo. 1 for the win, minus 1 from the AP (as in "fuck you") and it's a zero of a weekend for the 'Po.

Georgia carpet-bombs Oregon 49 - 3. I don't remember ever seeing an 11th ranked team dropped from the AP poll after week one before. Yet, here we are. No points. A sickening plunge from #11 to out of the action. That's minus 14. Plus a lusty REAM! Minus 5 more. KomBronie feels sick at minus 19 and there's "plenty of football to play". 
Looks like beating a crappy Ohio State team in the Shoe last year may have been the high water mark for the Ducks. 

Moo U over Western Meechy U, 35 - 13. Meh. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop and 1 for some AP love for a +3 weekend which is the total for Timmy!

Texas abuses the University of Louisiana, Monroe 52 -10. 1 for the win. +1 the final for 'BoSuke, Let Us Praise Him.

Baylor victimizes Albany 69 -10. Just tell me it wasn't Albany, NY. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, 1 for the move up in the AP. SockPuppet started at minus 1 so it's +2 for the SockPuppet/PuppetMaster.

Iowa manages to slide by fearsome South Dakota State with a baseball score, 7 - 3. Are you fucking kidding me? These 7 points came from a field goal and two (2!) safeties. Iowa could not find the end zone against South Dakota State. Kirk Ferentz makes $4,800,000 annually and apparently also has Monkey Pox. Your future is not bright, Q.

Utah. Who's the dumb shit that tabbed Utah? Florida dumps the Utes in the Swamp 29 - 26 and the AP gets all kind of pissed off and power-drills the Utes minus 6. Of course, Utah started at minus 4 so DogTheBountyHunter suddenly finds himself at minus 10.
And it's only week one. 

NC State sneaks by East Carolina State 21 -20. A lot of BRFLers had NC State on their boards. But the knock on NC State is they only play well when they're underdogs. True? How the fuck would I know?! But the AP was not impressed with this performance and hung  a minus 5 on 'em which, personally, I thought was excessive. Yet BroFro wallows at minus 4.
After just one week. 

Wisconsin flattens lowly Illinois State 38 - 0. AP takes such a dim view of this pay-day game/ritual sacrifice that they actually drop the Badgers 1 in the poll. The whole god damned weekend is a wash for Snotty and his total is zero. This surprised yet didn't sadden me.

                                   Wooo Pig Sooie

Arkansas bests Cincinnati 31 - 24. I thought it would be worse. But ChibaChews knows his stuff. Unfortunately the AP gives not one tiny shit what ChiChi knows and they drop the Bearcats 2 in the poll.  And that minus two is good enough for a fucking REAM! and, suddenly, what looks like an innocuous loss to a bunch of red state retards is a full on disaster as Mr. Edibles lies at minus 7.

Rice gets absolutely pissed on by USC 66 -14. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop and the AP awards +4. That's a 6 point weekend and good for the lead in the BRFL after week 1. Oh, and who picked USC? None other than Ronde' with the 13th pick in the draft. 

And back to Ohio State waxing Notre Dame 21 -10. Notre Dame punted on EVERY POSSESSION in the second half. Yet, still, the AP hates on Ohio State and drops them one in the poll. This is not good for McLovin who started at minus nine. The weekend is a wash. Stay at minus 9.

One week. 2 Reams. Some picks that  look like toe-jam. We're off to a great start.

Commissioner for Life.


  1. AP SUCKS A$$
    But TOSU does not.
    One week at a time BRFLers
    Long Season

  2. Here's something from the interwebs:
    Since 1897, teams whose offense gained less than 170 yards and did not score 4+ offensive points are 7-17,456-4.

    Of those 7 wins and 4 ties, Iowa owns nearly all of them. They are 6-0-4!!

    Yale was the only other win in a 1903 game against Providence YMCA in a 3-0 win.

    1. That's some deep internet mining there, 'Po. Thanks. BRFLer of the Week goes to you.

    2. Strong Research by DPo
      Kudoliscious, Man!
