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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

GG Week 13 Results

GG Week 13 Results;

Penn State 17 @ Ohio State 28. Not one single person picked PSU yet, when Ohio State turned the third quarter into a missed-tackle fumble-fest, who among us didn't think the Nittanys were going to take the cheese?

Texas 10 @ Baylor 24. The wheels have officially come off for Texas.

UCLA 35 @ USC 52. Uh...who cares? A lot of people in LA were hoping for a USC loss so they could get rid of Clay Helton or Heyton or whatever. But no. UCLA gets dog walked and it's maybe Chip Sucking Kelly who's on the hot seat.

There were so, so many sweeps. I was a little surprised nobody bet the rent. Actually, I thought about it, just to be an asshole. But, hey, whatevs.

BroFro; SWEEP! Is there no stopping him? Should we just, you know, kill him? 5 to go to 51.
DPo; SWEEP! The 'Po won't throw in the towel. For the rest of us it's the 'Po and Bro show. 5 to got to 42.
CCS: SWEEP! Could go on a run and take the lead. Difficult, not impossible. 5 to go to 39.
Q; SWEEP! Hanging in. 5 to go to 37. Respectable.
Kitten: SWEEP! God but you need these points. 5 to go to 37.
KeBron; SWEEP! 5 to go to 35. 35 is a long way from 51 is all I'm saying.
'BoSuke; SWEEP! Also 5 to go to 35. Meh.
McLovin; SWEEP! 5 to go to 34. Nice pull, Toolshed.
SeannieG; SWEEP! Where was it Snottie said you were last weekend? The Madison County Gay Dairyman's Ball Squeezing Convention? 5 to go to 34.
Timmy! SWEEP! You were sweating the TOSU game, admit it, Sinner. 5 to go to 34.
Obama; SWEEP! Hell yeah. 5 to go to 33. Moving up.
Snottie; SWEEP! 5 to go to 32. BroFro has you by almost 20. How do you feel about that?
Ronde'; UCLA?! A complete loss of mojo. 2 to go to 31. Concerning.
SkHank; Even Obama admitted Texas Tom is on the road to nowhere. But not you. 2 to go to 30.
SockPuppet; A SkHank-like pick of Texas leads you deeper into Poop-land. 2 to go to 29.

Remember now, in GG this year you are not so much playing to WIN as you are playing for POSITION. BroFro, if he wins, wins 10 points added to his BRFL score. That's it. If DPo comes in second he gets 9. If two people tie for second they each get 9. Just a not so friendly reminder from the BRFL Front Office.

Commissioner for Life.


  1. The league/GG connection sucks. Said he who is in next to next to last.... Regardless

  2. It gives hope to the hopeless. We can always go back to the way it was if you all don't like it. BTW, I'm not your friend anymore.
