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Saturday, November 16, 2019

BRFL Week 11 Results

Whoa. Almost forgot Week 11.

Here it is, down and dirty;

Jimbosuke; Utah with the bye. No AP love. 1 for the no drop. Apocalyptic confrontation with Q could be in my future. +1 on the week. 24 total.

Q; Oregon with the bye week. In the playoff conversation. 1 for the no drop. AP showers +1 love upon you. +2 weekend. +22 total. Concerning.

Ronde; Virginia outlasts GTech 33 - 28 and it's 1 for the win. Total is +10. Tickle the ivories, Liberaceite.

KBron; Florida with the ass-whuppin' of Vandy, 56 - naught. 1 for the win. Mysteriously, AP drops you one. What the fuck, AP? 0 on the weekend. +8 the total.

CCS; The Alabama Strategy is taking on water. LSU 46, Bama 41. -2 only from the AP. Playoffs still possible. +6 the total.

Timmy!; Notre Dame 38 over basketball school Duke, 7. Why does Duke bother? Dunno'! Weekend is a wash at 0 as the AP drops you 1 just for fun. +6 the total.

McLovin; Clemson 55, NC State 10. This qualifies as a "test" for the fighting Dabos, according to the AP. 1 for the win. 1 for the no drop. +1 on the move up, just so they can be sure to make the playoffs to make little Dabo happy. 3 pointer on the weekend. +6 total.

BroFro; Army carpet bombs UMass, 63 - 7. Either UMass totally sucks or they've figured something out in the sealed bunkers on the Hudson. 1 for the win. +4 your score.

Snottie; Meechy with the bye. That's when they're most dangerous. 1 for the no drop. +3 the total.

SeannieG; Somethin's not right in Norman. Oklahoma sneaks by Iowa State 42 - 41. What happened to all that magic Alex Grinch was supposed to be working with the Sooner defense? Red Alert: Alex Grinch is the same douche that helped Greg Schiano turn Ohio State's defense into a laughing bag shit show. 1 for the win. AP says, 'no, Bitch', drops you 1. Weekend is a wash at 0. +2 your total.

DPo; Cal 33, Washington State 20. Have the Huskies just, well, given up? Another weekend of zeros. You still have Zero. 00000000000000. 0.

SkHank; Back to your losing ways. Stanford 13, Colorado 16. Just a shitty pick this year. Zeroes wash over you. You remain a total 0. That is your score. Zero. 0.

Kitten; UCF bested by Tulsa 34 - 31. Ugh. What the hell happened to the old invincible UCF team? They are suddenly everybody's punching bag. Zero all weekend long. Stay at - 3.

Obama; Oh my God. DIDDLE! DIDDLE! DIDDLE! Texas 27, KState 24. 1 for the win. Texas comes busting into the AP at #22, that's good for +3, +5 for the DIDDLE!, a +9 weekend bonanza. LIFE! I give you LIFE! Minus 1 the total.

SockPuppet; Nebraska with the BYE. Might use the bye week to turn the season around and start beating teams by 60+ points. Pigs might fly out my asshole as well. Zeroes. Minus 7. Sad.

Commissioner for Life

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