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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

BRFL Week 2 Results

BRFL Week 2 Results.

Week two and it already seems like we've been at this a couple decades
Some major fallout from this week's action;

Who doesn't want to break their foot off in SkHank's ass? Va. Tech with another win, 27-naught over Delaware, moves up 2 according to the AP. Total 9 for this ass-hat.

Timmy! Fucking Meechy. Beating up on Cincinnati, the only way you could get a win in Ohio this year. 31-14 the final. It pays off though. 3 point weekend puts you at 8.

ClemboSlice; Washington Huskies open up a can of whoop-ass on Montana, 63-7. 3 point weekend. Moves up to 6 points. Nice. Even if it was a payday game.
Q with the KState bullshit. 55-7, total destruction of Charlotte. Stinky, stinky payday game but the AP feels sorry for your throat cancer coach and gives you 1. Sob story puts you at 3 for the weekend. 6 total. Gag me.

SeaWhore; Why is your coach such a cock-wearing-glasses? Okay, he beat lowly Pittsburgh 33-14 but then he had to shit on them with the "'s just like beating Akron" diss. What an asshole. How nice that the only way Ohio State can salvage their season is to crush this dbag. BTW, the AP thinks he's an asshole too. They drop you a point for the win. You have 4.

SockPocket. Hurricane disrupts play. No game, no problem. AP knocks you down a peg. You sit at 3 points.

Snottie. who's your team? Oh, yeah. Wisco. The CheeseDicks beat up on Florida Atlantic 31-14 while the Florida squad was texting mom on the sidelines to find out if there were any survivors. You should be proud. AP says, 'fuck you' and drops you a point. 2 for you, ManSlut.
Randingle. Utah downs BYU on the road, 19-13 to improve to 2-0. Randouche has 2.

DPo; Brian Kelly melts down in the post game presser. Nipped by the Bulldongs 20-19 and having a hard time with it. How brief the glory, DPull. It's time for your REAMING. From 7 to 1 just like that.
Bridshit, could it be that Sam Darnold is for real? Total rinsing of Stanford 42-24. Ouch. It's a 4 point weekend for the TroyMen and you step to plus 1. Out of negative territory and into the light. Making me  look foolish is not a good way to make Commissioner Points.
BroFro; God, I hate a "schedule picker". You picked the Donkeys to run the table and they only had one tough game. Against Crazy Mike Leach and the perenially listless Washington State Pussies. And they edged you 47-44 in triple OT. You are now hopelessly screwed. And you have 1 point. I feel good about it.

Kitten; So weird. USF didn't play and yet the Almighty AP docked you a point. Welcome to the BRFL, Bitch.  You sit in your litter box with minus 1. I don't feel sorry for you.

And then there's Mr. Butthole. McLovin. Alabama manhandles Fresno State 41-10. How the fuck did they get 10? McCheesebury picks up another 2 and now he is only minus 1 and ready to break out into the light and start to carve a path of destruction through the rest of Division 1. Fuck you, McLovin.

CCS. Pounded into submission by the Men of Troy. What the fuck? Your season looked so promising. Now you are scrambling to bail out your sinking Stanford boat. I know the feeling. I'm totally up for a suicide pact with you.
You go first.
BTW, you have minus 3.

KBronie. Talk about snake-bit. While a hurricane puts your whole state under water and cancels your game the AP bends you over and drops you 2. For God's sakes you came close to a REAM without even playing. You should get out of this league and move to Tahiti. Seriously. Minus 2 puts you at minus 7. Just some horrible shit for you.

Jimbosuke goes down in flames. Oklahoma 31, TOSU 16. There's trouble in Columbus. Power dive to the bottom of the BRFL, it's minus 8 for the Commissioner.
Doomsday scenario.

Commissioner for Life

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