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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Wait, what? I played football too.

Okay. Troy Smith was the last recruit added to the TOSU class of 2003. He was listed as "athlete" but had been a star at the legendary TOSU pipeline Cleveland Glenville HS (aka the Tarblooders, on the rough East side of Cleveland). His coach was Ted Ginn, Sr. (pictured left), father of speed demon and terrifying punt returner Teddy Ginn, Jr. Though he red-shirted and mostly rode the pine his first year at TOSU , Troy was tapped to take the controls for TOSU after the hideous melt down of the first half of the 2004 season (after a timely injury to Justin Zwick vs. perenially overated Iowa). From there it was "Hello, Heisman". But the highly touted college trophy, as is so often the case, didn't translate into NFL gridiron glory.  He developed, of all things, a potentially fatal form of tonsillitis and lost the #1 QB job to Super Bowl under-achiever, Jay Flacco. Now he wants to open a dope house for CTE sufferers? I'm all in. I blame most of my serious personality quirks on guys like SockPuppet and Scoturd who were all the tme running over my head in practice.
Weed me, Bitches.

Commissioner for Life

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