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Saturday, August 19, 2017

Draft Order: BRFL Season Twelve

And so, down to business, Brothers and Sisters.

First let's be clear. This is Season 12. Your nightmare began in 2006/7. The BRFL was spawned on a cloudy late afternoon in June 2006 by ClemboSlice and Yours Truly sitting on a bench in the backyard at 279 Blacks Road. Hence the occasional cryptic appearance of the number "279" on official BRFL tees. I believe I was nursing a hangover though that is a pretty safe bet for any date spanning 2006-2016. In any event, the Devil Baby was born then and there. McLuvin' won that year, with Alabama.

Let's move on.

I anticipate the AP Poll may be dropping on us Monday. So let's take a look at the draft order. Remember that we are taking on another BRFler, Craig "KC" Wolf. Not "Casey". Wofie, it occurs to me that, though I have known you most of my life, I don't really know how to spell your name. Is it Kraig? Is it Wolfe? So for now I'm just going to call you "Kitten". Be glad it's not "Pussy".

So, according to my records, after all the coin flips from the multiple ties we had in the BRFL (Sean and Scott, BroFro and Timmy!), Kitten is picking in the #9 spot, by tradition the middle of the batting order or as close as I could come to it.


#1: ClemboSlice, Founding Father 1
#2:  Jimbosuke, Commissioner for Life
#3:  DPo
#4: SkHank, still not believing that he actually lost a lot of money. How would he know?
#5: SockPuppet
#6: Bridshit
#7: Timmy!
#8: BroFro (sorry, you lost the toss)
#9: Kitten
#10: SeaScum
#11: Snottie (you lost the toss as well, Scumbag)
#12: Q
#13: Randilingus
#14: KBronieManWoman
#15: CCS
#16: McLuvin'

You know the drill. I'll get in touch with you when you're up. Can't pick a team if it's already taken.
Try to know who you want when your turn comes up. But I'm not going to go past you to the next person if you need more time. If I don't have a contact number for you, mail it to me at If you have questions about the draft or the rules (aka "The Living Document") call me at 607-437-2556. Of note, you are penalized only for the top 5 teams. You start at minus 5 if you pick the #1 team, minus 4 for the #2, etc. The number 6 team is free and clear.
Timmy! if you're in Rangoon running around in a loin-cloth with a bone through your nose and a native posse and a brain full of chemicals find a responsible party to act on your behalf.

I owe some of you guys money. It's coming. Almost everybody owes money for last year's GG and Heismaniac. It will all work out. It always does. It's only money.

We're almost underway.

Commissioner for Life