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Tuesday, September 14, 2021

BRFL Week 2 Results, Dorks


BRFL Week 2 Results;

SockPuppet: Oregon jail-sexes TOSU in the Shoe, 35-28. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, +8 for the AP move up, +10 the total for suck-balls SockPuppet.

Iowa State; 17-27 takes the L to Iowa at home. -5 on the AP plunge. Minus 10 the total. You're nobody now, Lola.

Utah ass-whipped by BYU 17-26 and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy. AP docks you 4, ToolPouch, and, oh yeah, I almost forgot, bend over for the REAM, another minus 5. Say hello to your new total, Minus 4.

USC implodes 28 - 42 to a not good Stanford squad. Goodbye, Clay Helton or whatever your name was. Merciless ass-rape by the AP, minus 11 AND a REAM, another minus 5. When the dust settles you're at minus 13 which (correct me if I'm wrong here) is dead fucking last, DPo. 😟.

Coastal Carolina 49-22 over woeful Kansas. Still. 1 for the win. 1 for the no drop. AP ups you 1. 3 point weekend for the Bro. 10 the new total.

Cincinnati 42-7 in an ass-whipping of Murray State. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, but the AP bones you with Special-Ed-AP-Math and drops you 1. Total is only +1 on the weekend, FuckTard, and you sit at 2 total.

Ole Miss opens up a can on Austin Peay, 54 -17. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, AP moves you up 3, your total is 16, Ronde'.

UDub goes down to Evil scUM 20-31. Zeros across the board and you deserve less. Remain at minus 10. Seriously, how do you live with yourself?

Iowa shit-cans Iowa State on the road 27 - 17. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, AP bestows +5 on the move up. There's a new Sherriff in town and his name is SeannieG. Leader in the clubhouse with 17 total. 

TOSU bitch-slapped in their own back yard by Oregon, 28 - 35. AP says minus 6, puts the Commissioner in deep shit at minus 10 total. Self-loathing and hostility.

Wisco beats up on East Meechy 34 -17. 1 for the win, 1 for the move up. Make it minus 4 for whoever the fuck has these assholes this year.

UNC 54 - 17 over Georgia State. Probably your only win this year. Which dipshit among you picked this turkey? I'm embarrassed for whoever you are. Sort of. Actually, fuck you. You got an undeserved 5 on the weekend to end at minus 10 which is probably your ceiling going forward. 

UGA with a merciless 56 - 7 ass-hammering of UAB. 1 for the win. 1 for the no drop. Ignored by the AP. 2 point weekend, Sex-With-Men, you have 1 point. ONE. Fucking. Point. 

Liberty squeaks by Troy 21 - 13. 1 for the win. This is your team, QXXX. Squeaking by Troy. You have 2 total. God how I hope you get crushed this year.

Lay Cakes and Candies at His Feet