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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

BRFL Week 1 Results, Short Form


Here's the short version of Week 1, Bitches:

Ronde': 11  1 for the win, 5 for the move up on his landing at #20 and our first DIDDLE, DIDDLE, DIDDLE, 5 more. That's eleven, Klutzies. 
DogTheBountyHunter. Iowa. 10. Second place is for losers.
BroFro. Coastal Carolina. 7. Touchhole.
Snottie. Utah. 5. Not a believer.
Who is the asshole who has USC? I don't know. It's late. 3. Fuck you.
Cincinnati. Can't remember the Shitbird who picked them. 1. Kitten? 
QXXX. Liberty. Curb-stomped somebody called "Campbell". Really? 1, Asshole.
SockPuppet. Oregon. Zero. Die, Fucker, die. 
McLovin. UGA. Minus 1. Thanks for whuppin' up on a Turd. 7 sacks.
'Bosuke. TOSU. Minus 4. How far can you go starting Freshmen?
Who's the dumb-ass with Iowa State? Scrapes by Northern Iowa U. Minus 5.
Teebs with Wisco because he has a history of Traumatic Brain Injury times 50. Minus 6.
CCS. Minus 10 with the REAM and what looked like the most horrible pick of the season until...
...KBronie. UNC. Minus 15. Stinky. Dog. POOP.

More details later in the week.

Thoughts and Prayers for Him



  1. Replies
    1. Where is the math problem? You were ranked #10, start at m inus 1. You dropped 14 spots in the AP. -14. You are -15. Is there a math mistake somewhere else that I'm missing?

  2. Never. The Duh applies to me. Duh

    1. If there were truly a math error CCS would have caught it by now. He's my Fact Checker.

  3. I thought that honor fell to DPo

  4. Bosuke started at -7, gets 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop and 1 for the move up. That'd be -4 not -3.

    How's that for Fact Checking, Bungsurfer?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. USC 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop 1 for the rise in the poll.
    That's 3 not 4.

    I'm sure Chip is apoplectic right now.
