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Thursday, July 11, 2019

He Should Have Asked for the Supervisor

Hey, are you a Seattle Seahawks fan? Remember Malik McDowell? He was Seattle's first round draft pick who ended his playing career crashing an ATV... before playing a down. Ever.

Seattle is suing him for the signing bonus they paid him, and this past winter he was back home in Michigan having himself a wee brush with Johnny Law.

I recall some Michigan fans rending hair that he chose Michigan State over the Wolverines four years ago. I think it turned out okay for the Wolverine faithful.


  1. Outstanding post. I do believe TOSU was trying hard to recruit Mr. McDowell as well. So sad. The whole thing could have been avoided if, as you point out, he had just asked to see a supervisor.

  2. Anything like this from Michigan or Michigan State is just very very special............
