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Monday, July 22, 2019

Cash in, cash out.

Please consult the spread sheet from the email I sent you. (I can't figure out how to post it on the blog).
I want to see everyone get paid. Sending the money you 'owe", whether you ended up making money or losing money, makes that happen. I'm sorry we couldn't have the party this year. It's mad a mess of the league's finances.

Send $ to;

J LaCava
30 Fair Street
Cooperstown, NY  13326

Good tidings,

Jimbosuke, Commissiner for Life


  1. No Pay No Pick

    In the new Tough Love World of TCFL, I think it's only fair.
    Fuck Off if anyone disagrees.

    1. Why do you have so much rage? You need to take deep breaths and go to your happy place.

  2. Maybe the order of picking should be determined by the order of paying.

    1. Too much opportunity for the Commissioner to cheat.

    2. YES BroFro!
      Now THAT is a good rule change right there!!

  3. We've reached almost complete payback from last year's losers. Money will soon start to flow to you winners from last year. The Commissioner, May God Bless Him and Keep Him, will soon be posting the draft order.

  4. A quick perusal of my living room mantle shows I am still in possession of the Commissioner's Cup. It shall make an appearance at 30 Fair street. Let's see the mutt chew on that shit.
