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Wednesday, June 19, 2019



So, here's what I'm suggesting: Say you find yourself in the position I was in during last years seemingly endless BRFL bloodbath. (KBronie was there too, but that's neither here nor there. Any one of us can, and has, found ourselves in that unenviable position).

Your team, the team you picked of your own volition, is obviously terrible. Every game is a probable loss and even when you win it's not terribly helpful.
You're down, at the bottom of the heap, and you will fucking well stay there until the pay out at the end of the season.
Enough to make one lose interest in our whole noble enterprise, the BRFL.

Sure, you can bust your ass every weekend for GG. Unless you're Scott and you pussy out on the whole GG thing. Hey, a topic for another day. But yes. You can go all butt-wild on GG. And maybe you recoup a little money there. Good for you. Winning GG (and that's where the only real money is, winning) is fucking hard. We know this.

But...what if. 
What if you could use your GG points to gamble against your burgeoning BRFL losses? How cool would that be? Maybe you've got a sweet 20 GG points in your pocket, lagging the leader by only 3 points or so. But in terms of the BRFL you're in the Seventh Circle of Hell with minus 10 and a third string QB looking bewildered under center and a coach who's crawling into a bottle of Famous Grouse every night?
What the FUCK if I told  you that you could take 5 of your GG points and bet them on a sweep in GG that week? And, motherfucker, if that sweep comes through (what are the chances??) you not only reap the sweep benefit in GG but you get a...a...a DIDDLE that week in the BRFL? 5 points so your ass can start clawing it's way out of that deep dark stinking nether hole that your shitty pick landed you in 6 weeks before?
Now you're paying attention. Now you're right back in it. And life is worth living again. You rediscover food. Sex. Your kids. Your spouse. Not necessarily in that order.

Of course the flip side  is that if you miss that sweep you drop 5 in GG and I dock your sorry, compulsively gambling ass minus 2 in the BRFL. In addition to any other drop your puke team incurs. Not a ream, exactly, but a punishment.
And let's face it. There can be no crime without punishment. And your crime, committed long ago, was letting me talk you into this boondoggle in the first place.

Suggestions? Ideas? Let's hear it, if only so that we can just ignore it.

Commissioner for Life

1 comment:

  1. Commish Tool...
    This might actually have some merit, looks like you may have done some coherent pondering after you puked out your McLovin'/CCS Punishment Rule...
