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Thursday, August 2, 2018

Time To Move On In Columbus

Excellent post DPo.

While it's possible that Urbs will return to the OSU sideline I think he's done. The Ohio State Athletic Dept has made a total mess out of what is basically a pretty straight forward issue. Domestic violence is not supposed to be tolerated. Meyer himself had the practice facility festooned with banners and signs saying things like Respect Women and It's Not Alright To Throw Pregnant Women Into Walls and stuff like that. He has shit canned several players who were charged with domestic violence against girlfriends ( though, truth be told, he was probably more interested in getting down to that magic scholarship number.)
In any event.
I don't buy the whole "he's Earle Bruce's grandson" gambit either. Earle was ramping up his dementia when Urbs came to Ohio State so I'm not even sure if coach Bruce could even recognize his grandson.
And it wasn't like Zach Smith was a good receiver coach. He wasn't. Urban Meyer himself referred to the receiving corps as a "clown show" before the 2015 season.
So, why did Urbs lug this perpetually drunk, wife terrorizing, fat, bald shitty receiver coach from Florida to Columbus AND keep him on the staff after he knew the guy's marriage was imploding and that he was knocking his wife around? And, yes, of course he fucking knew. There may not be direct evidence but, come on. All the wives are texting about Courtney calling the cops, Courtney getting stalked, Courtney getting yanked around and Urban Meyer doesn't know about it? I'll come back to the Zach Smith, horrible employee question.

So many fuck ups here. The first time he hears about this, Meyer goes to Gene Smith, the AD, drops the news on him and says, "oh, by the way, I fired his ass." That should have been it. Or, when they ask Meyer at the BIG media days about the 2015 incident, he says "no comment but we are investigating it". Instead he asks the reporter why he his making things up. Huh? And finally, is it paid administrative leave or unpaid? Paid makes Ohio State look bad. Because this issue is not going away and Urban Meyer is not going to coach again at Ohio State.

The answer to why Zach Smith was kept around is, Zach Smith was tolerated and covered up for and made excuses for because he was the RECRUITING COORDINATOR. And he was a good one. Ohio State is an NFL football factory for crying out loud. Just look at the talent out there. But, wait now, Zach Smith is a total douche. Does he just have an incredible knack for wooing teenagers to Columbus? Or does he have a few tricks up his sleeve that are not completely, oh, let's say "wholesome"?

This is why Ohio State needs to get its shit together TODAY. There is nothing to investigate. Zach Smith is gone. His ex-wife has told her story and it's an ugly one. Maybe TOSU can find some weasel room to keep Urban Meyer but the shit smell will remain. That's recruiting poison. Ohio State needs to take the high road (even though everyone will know it's bullshit and too little too late) and move on from Meyer. Make Ryan Day the head coach. Don't expect to win every game for a year or two. But put this whole mess in the rear view mirror before you invite any more scrutiny because the wolves are out in Columbus and they smell blood.

Urban Meyer is a dead man walking.

Commissioner for Life


  1. "There is nothing to investigate"

    And collusion is not a crime. I have not waded into that intellectual cesspool that is the Ohio State blogosphere to see how those cooler pooping mouth breathing Buckeye fans are spinning this, but Zach Smith's not quite "wholesome" recruiting tricks are what will crush Ohio State and its recruiting. Current players will be declared ineligible - though as a recruiting violation investigation heats up, I think there will be a mass exodus to the NFL before the ban hammer comes down on individual players. It won't go the way of SMU, but OSU as we know it is done for a decade or so.

    1. As a sad, long suffering scUM alum I can see where you're coming from here, Dbag. But conflating a minor college football tempest to the current national disgrace of The Donald Administration, is kind of, well, embarrassingly self-important, don't you think? After all, it's just a game, played by boys. To see you streeeeetching to justify your collusion/college football bullshit metaphor makes me uncomfortable. It makes me wonder whether my trust in you has been misplaced. Actually, not to put too fine a point on it, but it makes me wonder whether you have earned a place of the "shit-talking douche-bag" list.
      Yours Sincerely,
      Commissioner for Life

  2. Sadly, I have to agree. They will have a good season this year but there will be a lot of de-commits and recruiting will go in the shitter. The real fall out will start in 2019 and 20 when the assistant coaches start leaving and their recruiting pipelines dry up. The power axis in the BIG will swing back to PSU, Meechy State, Meechy and Wisconsin. TOSU will be losing games to Northwestern and Iowa every year.

  3. You boys be talking truth, this one is gonna be attention grabbing way beyond the conference.

  4. Who is the douche replying as "Mikey"? And why are you replying as "Mikey"? McLovin, aka Steaming Pile, never uses the handle "Mikey". What is the problem here?

  5. Looks like I was misinformed on this post and, like everyone else, jumping to conclusions that were not based on facts.
    Drew, I still can't believe you brought the whole Russia collusion thing into this shit pile. I mean really.
