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Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Free Urban Meyer

Well, that was a long run for a short slide.
Here's a heart felt "fuck you" to all the haters who couldn't tell their assholes from a hole in the ground.

I think we can handle TCU without the Urbinator. 

The right decision would have been "no suspension, immediate reinstatement". But the President of TOSU is a total pussy.

Go Bucks.
Ohio Against The World. 

Commissioner for Life


  1. Holy Freaking Crap!
    Oregon State
    Buckeyes should be OK

  2. TCU is a tough game. What the fuck was he thinking keeping Zach Smith on the staff? The whole thing makes Ohio State look bad and we will take a beating on the recruiting trail because of it. A three game suspension is so lame. Either you fire Urbs or you reinstate him immediately. Zach Smith was blowing off recruiting visits so he could take high school coaches to strip clubs instead. And Urban found out about it. And DIDN'T fire him on the spot. Wow. It's actually good that Ryan Day (interim coach) gets his feet wet with three games, including TCU. Because this whole mess is going to dog Meyer for the rest of the time he's at TOSU. And I wouldn't be surprised if he already has his agent shopping around for another job come December. Except for the 38 million dollar thing. There's that. Anyway. I'm through with this shit. Let's play some football.

  3. Urbs... decidedly not a classy guy..... apologizing to "Buckeye Nation"...looking merely annoyed and with no contrition at all.. he coulda at least spent few bucks from the 38 million to practice appearing a little contrite and empathetic for actual victim here... what an asswipe. Agree with commish.. he's done at TOSU eventually and some other money grubbing asswipe AD will hire him for even bigger bucks. Amateur athletics is endlessly entertaining off the field.. if one enjoys tragi-comedies.

    1. Here's the problem; Yes, in the current social environment, absolutely, he should have apologized to Crazy Ass Courtney Smith. But. This is a nation of LAWS. And, enshrined in the Constitution, is the once revolutionary concept that a citizen accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty. Was Zach Smith a sleaze? Sure. Was he a penis-fixated immature twat? Absolutely. Did he assault his wife? I do not know. You do not know. Nobody knows. Now, if you were Urban Meyer, and some person basically sought to make a fortune by going to a has-been reporter and blibbering a bunch of half-truths and unproven allegations and thereby dragged you and your family through a knot hole in front of the entire world let me ask you this; would YOU feel the urge to apologize? Let's just see if Zach, and I agree he is a three alarm scumbag and Urban Meyer is the dumbest of fucks to have employed him, is ever convicted of anything worse than DUI and horrible, horrible choices when it comes to mates. Until that happens? Fuck Zach and Courtney Smith both.
