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Friday, August 3, 2018

"I'm Not Dead Yet."


D Po, have you noticed the silence? Every SEC turd and ex Jock talking head is all bla bla bla Urban is dead, he's done, never coach again, suicide watch, etc.
You can bet your maize and blue ass that every motherfucker sports journalist in America is getting acute carpal tunnel symptoms and severe, severe neck pain scrolling and digging and chasing every possible lead they can find about Urban Meyer, Horrible Man, Worse Than Stalin, BAD GUY.


Nothing. No new facts. Other than that Courtney Smith is quite a drunk. That she was picked up on 3 (count them, three) DUIs and let go with the cops walking her home and each time she sobbed and wailed that Zach Smith, also quite a drunk, was chasing her. Except that he was at practice. I wonder why funny little Hitler Moustache Journalist ESPN Fired Toady Ass BITCH Bert McMurphy didn't include that in his interview? Or maybe he could have mentioned that she called the Powell Police Dept. on the 911 line 66 times in 90 days on domestic disputes, so many calls, DPo. Can you blame the PoPo for eventually not sending units to her address when she called?

There's more.  But it can wait.

That stony silence you hear from TOSU is the sound of a University silent screaming in pain. First the goddamn diving coach banging a 16 year old diver. Then Dr. Jelly Paws (this is actually what the wrestlers called him) fondling the balls and bungholes of hundreds of wrestlers who were complaining of things like headaches and nose pain. (He told them that they had "lymph nodes in their testicles and (he) had to check them." Seriously. There are no lymph nodes in your testicles, for the record. Well, maybe your testicles, Drew. But not on normal guys.)
Now crazy ass Courtney.

TOSU, it's pretty safe to say, did not have something on Urban Meyer that would justify firing him for cause. They would have done so already just because of the terrible optics of this situation. But if they can't show cause and they part ways with him anyway they owe him, oh, let's say, about 40 million dollars. That's a lot of money when every wrestler who ever donned a onesy for Ohio State is about to sue your ass.
So the Board of Trustees is going to make this call. Nobody else.  Not some schlub SEC chump on ESPN. Not Bart McMoron. Not some hopes-up-high scUM fan. The BoT. Because we are talking about contracts and cash. I see a three or four game suspension, just for the PC optics problem, but Urban Meyer keeps the job. The BoT is digging just as hard as Fred McMurray is right now to find a way to keep him.

Warmest regards,

Commissioner for Life


  1. With the lack of new details and the lack of definitive action yet by TOSU, you may be really on to something. This whole thing has been like shifting sand from the get go. I think he may actually stay due to the $$, and may only get a two game suspension. If new stuff comes up ( besides the fired coach vouching for Urban) it could veer off in another direction yet again.
    Interesting the DUIs and the compulsive 911 calls, didn't hear that til now.
    Stay or go for Urbs won't matter to UM though, Buck Nuts will still beat them.
    So they've got THAT going for them, which is nice.

  2. I guess they could suspend him - but that would be for basically lying in a press conference, which coaches, presidents and other despots do all the time. Or the suspension could be because he didn't fire the guy sooner on the "where there's smoke there's fire" premise thought that's not a great look for the program. As for Big Blue, as usual, I say that's anybody's game. DON BROWN. DON BROWN. DON BROWN. His defense and the Meechy athletes in it are unbelievable. They get better every year. They were one pass break up, which they missed by about an inch, from snuffing the Bucks in Ann Arbor. A couple years ago a questionable fourth down call demoralized them in OT and they lost in Columbus. Meechy is going to be very good this year. If Urbs returns and he doesn't let our offense evolve and Meechy comes into Columbus with a couple losses and a lot of anger, well, I'd bet on the Boys in the white jerseys that game. J Harbaugh has a QB this year, remember. He didn't when they played us last year.

  3. If no action at this point, Urban Meyer is still employed, until they call for his head after the Michigan game. Buckeye revisionists will say he is inches away from being 0-4 against Harbaugh and time for a change. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

    The real question is, what becomes of Urban Meyer Weiner's "Respect Women" posters?

  4. EBay collector's items.
    I read some stuff today. I think there is still a 40-50% chance he gets canned. The timing is really, really bad for a scandal like this when you have the Dr. Jelly Paws thing and the diving coach thing going on at the same time. Ohio State is starting to look like Abuse U. Trustees can't be loving that.

    1. Title IX stuff could get him and the AD. One has to go. I think the AD's bung is pretty puckered these days.

    2. 'Specially if it turns out the Powell PD called Gene Smith (AD) and he stone-walled it, as in did not tell Meyer or President of TOSU Drake about it. That could be a hangin' offense. It would also have been a remarkably dumb move. Something just doesn't add up here.

  5. I smell a pre-season BRFL Contest, for $5. entry each, we all pick the Stay or Go, and the date, now let's wager on the man's future.
