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Monday, January 9, 2017

Talkin' BRFL Scenarios, Bitches.

CCSlut has 37. That may drop a little when the Final Almighty AP comes out, since he dropped his playoff game. Say he ends at 35.

The only one who can catch him is ( Oh my GOD ), McLickMe. He had 22. He done went and won his playoff game by crushing the Men of the Scarlet and Gray. That gave him a 7 point payday. 29 total. The NCS game pays 12 points. Do the math. This turd could end up with 41, plus his no drops and move ups. Something like 45 or so altogether.

So, every BRFLer, except McDinkus, should be screaming "Roll Tide!" tonight. Every snap. Unless, of course, you want to pay Mr. McCoochie an extra 10 or 15 bucks.

Commissioner for Life

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