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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Bowlapalooza Chapter 12 Results

It's payback time. Tell Woody Clemsen says, "Howdy".

Interesting comment. Here's the "explanation" from one of the Clemson co-captains. They probably learned these moves at a Jimmy Hardballs summer camp.

PS: It's "Clemson", Ivy League of the Big Ten Guy. Also, is he saying I need to be "okay" with you sticking four fingers up my ass to be a player? Interesting. It is, after all, the deep South. Things are different down there.

Chapter 12:

Georgia Tech whups up on Kentucky, 33-18.
Wash. U dumped by Bama , 7-24.
Clemson demolishes TOSU 31-0. Total wreckage. Coaching purge on the horizon.

CCS. Lands the SWEEP. Adds 5 to go to 68.
DPo. Also brings the SWEEP. 5 to go to 65.
Kman. deuce. 62. Holding down third place.
BroFro. 2 to go to 58.
SeaGra. Hammers home the SWEEP. 5 to go to 60. Suddenly within striking distance.
BoSuke. 2. Deep depression sets in. 54.
KillerBee. Another SWEEP. Rides 5 up to 55. Probably not enough.
Snottie: 2 to go to 52.
Randude: 2 to go to 49
McLuvin': Steps up with the SWEEP to go to 51. In the BRFL he picks up 7 for the TOSU ass-whip.
SockPuppet.  2 to go to 47.
Teebs! Discovered 'inspecting' a government facility in Cairo. Government not amused. 24.

Commissioner for Life

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