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Sunday, January 1, 2017

Bowlapalooza Chapter 10 Results

 Nick Chubb rippin' it up.

Chapter 10:

Georgia rolls TCU, 31-23. It wasn't as close as the score.
Stanford handles North Carolina 25-23 without Christian What's-his-name.
Tennessee crushes the Cornhuskers 38-24. 3 for the bowl win, Sock.

CCS, boom! 3 for 3. SWEEP to take the lead with 61.
KManHole, 2 out of 3 to go to 59.
DPo, boom! Grand Slam, out of the park. SWEEP to go to 59.
BroFace, with the deuce, 55.
SeaniePony, double to go to 54.
BoSucky, 1 lonely win, 50.
Bridgeshit gets 2 right, 49.
Snottie picks up 2 to go to 49.
Randy with 2 to 46.
McLuvin', sad, lonely McLuvin' gets 1 to stall out at 45.
SockPuppet should give up. But, wait, no... SWEEP. 5 to go to 44.
Teebs driving secondary roads at night. Pays only with cash. Concealed carry. 24.

Commissioner for Life

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