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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Update on Mike LaCava's Injury

We were all greatly disappointed this summer when Chimpbosucksbigones yanked the plug on the only reason we endure his weekly drivel: The payoutpalooza. To his credit, the Commish quickly deflected any accountability away from himself and rested it squarely on the shoulders of his somewhat addle-minded brother, McSukee. Mysterious injury that was never quite explained became the excuse du jour as we were led to believe that J-hole rushed to McLovin's side.

What was this injury? The League offices have obtained some exclusive footage depicting the dim-witted Lacava "training for the season" in the government supported housing units in Lafayette. Was he trying to make it to Cooperstown with the party libations? Dunno. But this, my fellow beleaguered Leagures, is why none of got to taste Barb's pie this year.

Thanks, McLovin'. Thanks a lot.


  1. Brethren and Q, and the Noob.....I am sorry, I will rehab and make it up to you all next Summer....The Commish can't help but love his accident prone Bro, only God knows why............McL

  2. Reminds me of the infamous broken thumb motorcycle towing incident. Who was it that thought that was a good idea?
