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Monday, September 28, 2015

BRFL Week 4 Results

Q-Woman: Downs the hated Pigs on the road. Bert Bielema Death Watch begins. Why were you spouting gibberish on the GG platform? Have you gone daft? Still, you are the Leader. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, naught for the move up. 22.

Hank. The Undead. Shoots Beavers in Corvallis. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop. AP smiles upon you with a move up 3 to #18. +7 is your total Mr. Smart-ass.

DPo. The Pirates run Scarface through a local douchebag and V Tech drops a must win road game. Naught into naught equals naught on the week. You are +2.

CCS. Boise wins on the road in Virginia. 1 for the win. Total "grows" to minus 3.

ClemboSlice. USC puts the wood to the Sun Devils in Arizona. 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop, 2 for the move up to #17, Bunk mates with Chip n' Dale at minus 3.

Sock Puppet. TOSU pushes Western Meechy around at home. Big deal. 1 for the win. 1 for the no drop. You have +3. Admit you shit your pants when they carted off Darron Lee and I will respect you. Admit you had a major orgasm when he came back on the field and I will respect you more.

BroFro. Louisville gets a win. Okay, it was over Samford. What is "Samford"? You now have one point. It was a home game.

Killer Bee. Georgia "dominates" Southern. Again, what is "Southern"? Is it a school? Sony Michell. Nick Chubb. Do you have a quarterback? AP does you a nasty minus 1. 1 for the win. Naught for no drop. Big fat zero on the weekend. You have +7.

Teebs. Golden Domers pick on U Mass. 1 for the win. 1 for the no drop. Move up? Are you shitting me? Add 2, you have +9.

SeaScum. Meechy State dumps Central Meechy at home. Wow. 1 for the win. 0 for the no drop. But wait. The AP says, 'not so fast, My Friend!". You drop one. Goose egg weekend. Stay at +8.

McLuvin'. TCU survives against TTech AT HOME. Again, AP metes out a spanking. You drop to #4. 1 for the win. Naught on the weekend. Stay at 0, Zero.

Randoo. God. Your life is, like, so fucked right now. At home Bert Bielema lays you the bone again and drops his fourth (4th!) in a row, this time to the Aggies. Double. Digit. DeathSpiral. Stay at minus 10.

Jimbosuke. Ole Miss in a less than overwhelming win over Vandy, in Oxford, 1 for the win, 1 for the no drop. Still tied with the Leader at +22 and hangin' around at #3 in the AP.

Snotty. Here's a beautiful thing. (I thought so, anyway). Had a bye week. And the AP said, "Fuck YOU, Scott", just the same and dropped you one in the poll. Welcome to +6 Mr. Not Such Good Fortune.

Commissioner for Life


  1. Not very comfortable with Clemson (in spite of the big ND win) but, hey, at least I don't have Virginia Tech!!!!!!


    1. Hurtful words. I darn you, I darn you to heck!
