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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Jamie Dimon: The Bert Bielema of Wall Street

And I don't give a fuck if I spelled his name wrong.
Read this article and feel the Joy of Schadenfreude again and again.
I'm sure many of you have had the 'pleasure' of talking with a Wall Street banker-puke at a cocktail party (Chuck, Randude,you live in Connecticut. This must happen to you with some regularity). I love it, LOVE IT, when they start bemoaning Dodd-Frank. "Oh. oh. Whoa is me. My bonus wasn't bigger than your salary this year, Mister 7-years-a-slave in medical school and residency".
In your case, Randiddle, 10 years a slave.
Do I sound bitter? I am. Totally. I'm okay with admitting it.
Putting the wood to Wall Street. Maybe not as good as watching Ezekeil Elliot gash Alabama for 200+ yards....but close.


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