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Friday, February 6, 2015

Heismaniac 2015: The Ressurection

News on Heismaniac;

To be governed by the Heismaniac Rules Committee:

SNottie$ and DPo.

New rules pending.

More details when I have them.



  1. DPo,
    Lets talk soon. I am interested in picking your brain on this Heismaniac Rules thing. FYI: If you have any good ideas it is probably best to present them to me in such a way as to allow me to think they are mine. Speeds the process.

  2. I like your idea of a graduated points system that will bring more competitiveness to all players. It is certainly an upgrade to the current poopy diaper that has been the Heismaniac under Jim's reign of mediocrity.
    Your other brilliant idea on the Heismaniac Bingo is borderline genius. I, I mean you, just need to flesh it out a bit but as is, Heismaniac Bingo will have the League talkin' Heimaniac Bingo all season.

  3. Here's to my Genius for putting you guys in charge.
    Damn. I love me some ME!

  4. D. Po,
    I'll be interested in seeing how well my ideas work in practice. Thanks for helping. Without you as a sounding board I never could have done it.

  5. D. Po,
    I'll be interested in seeing how well my ideas work in practice. Thanks for helping. Without you as a sounding board I never could have done it.

    1. Did you check the Google Doc you made. What do you think of your handiwork? You made another comment this morning that i should look at.

  6. I think it's great, Dudes.
    Heismaniac is now a big deal.
    Thanks a lot.
    You're in charge now.

  7. D. Po,
    You up yet? Jesus, what a session that was last night. Were you able to pull some of my better Heismaniac thoughts together before you hit the hay? Christ, I was on a roll there for awhile. Seriously, thanks for your help...Good stuff

  8. If you have nothing to add to your rules for Heismaniac 2.0: The Desolation, we can post it for the lesser members of the BRFL. Good summit; you really brought your 'A' game. I was so impressed, I hung my Scotty Ryan pic next to my Scott Baio poster in my Great Scotts Hall of Fame. Awesomeness.

  9. Scottie Baio carries the moniker well. Do you think he ever did Ritchie's sister Dog Style?..... I think we are ready to share. Again, thanks for your support.
