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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Heismaniac 2.0: The Desolation

Image result for tire fire
Among the ashes that remain from BRFL Season Ocho, there lay in ruin the crushed spirit of the poorly conceived contest of the Commissioner's own creation. Kept alive and fueled purely by 'Bosuke's boundless ego, the oft confusing, ill-managed and seemingly random tribunal that was the Heismaniac was destined to go the way of New Coke. Even the out of touch and tone deaf Commish could see that change was nigh, and lo, he implored the Great Minds of the BRFL to resurrect his abortion while he cowered in fear and an alcoholic haze..

And now, it is time.

Birthed from the steaming loins of Snottie "I ain't cryin'" Ryan, and further proof that the BRFL ganglion are never at rest, we present to the brethren (and sistren) in a hail of trumpets and barrage of rotten fruit and pre-teen panties, the latest and greatest machination designed to rid you of those pesky guilders. Douches and douchette, here is Heismaniac 2.0: The Desolation.

Your Heismaniac 2.0: The Desolation Ballot Form:

20 pts



#1. Pick the Conference the Heisman winner, runner up and third place dude come from.
Points: Picking the conference spot correctly gets you 5 points for third place, double points for second, triple points for first.
Example: I picked the Heisman winner comes from the B1G conference. If
he does, I get 15 points (5 for getting the conference and triple points for first place= 15 points).
Say I wiff on the first and second place finishers but the 3rd place winner is from
the SEC (even if it isn't Fournette). I get 5 pts x1 (for third place).

#2 Pick the Position of the winner/finalists
Same dillio. Maybe you only get the QB in 2nd place. 20 points.

#3 Pick the Playa. Get the winner right, 60 points!

#4. Most points wins. You can get player wrong and still get points for the position
or conference.
#5. Assuming 10 participants, payout is $60, $30, $10.
#6. As with all BRFL functions, an overriding concern is when you douches get "cute". We need to prevent your attempts at block voting, i.e. filling your ballot with all the same guy, same position
and same conference. Each "player" spot must be a different name; no conference can appear more than twice on your ballot and no more than two of the same positions can appear on your ballot.
Further explanation at the payout, because we understand that most, if not all of you are pretty dense. Just give us your money and all will be cool.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Jamie Dimon: The Bert Bielema of Wall Street

And I don't give a fuck if I spelled his name wrong.
Read this article and feel the Joy of Schadenfreude again and again.
I'm sure many of you have had the 'pleasure' of talking with a Wall Street banker-puke at a cocktail party (Chuck, Randude,you live in Connecticut. This must happen to you with some regularity). I love it, LOVE IT, when they start bemoaning Dodd-Frank. "Oh. oh. Whoa is me. My bonus wasn't bigger than your salary this year, Mister 7-years-a-slave in medical school and residency".
In your case, Randiddle, 10 years a slave.
Do I sound bitter? I am. Totally. I'm okay with admitting it.
Putting the wood to Wall Street. Maybe not as good as watching Ezekeil Elliot gash Alabama for 200+ yards....but close.


Love me some Nick Fairley, War Eagle;_ylt=AwrTccAI7uVU7ycAO0knnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTB0MzkwOG5yBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2dxMQR2dGlkA1lIUzAwNF8x?p=nick+fairley+iron+bowl+2010&tnr=21&vid=A6B118732C1F8D0DD81BA6B118732C1F8D0DD81B&l=55&

Friday, February 6, 2015

Heismaniac 2015: The Ressurection

News on Heismaniac;

To be governed by the Heismaniac Rules Committee:

SNottie$ and DPo.

New rules pending.

More details when I have them.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Missing the BRFL Brahs, Brahs.
