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Monday, October 13, 2014

BRFL Week 7 results

BRFL Week 7 Results:

KState, bumped up 3 on a bye week. 1 for the no drop. Randiddle in the lead. 15
Georgia, sans Todd G., hammers Mizzu. Add 5. Jimbosuke stands at 12, may He forever prosper.
Baylor roars back against TCUsuck. Seannie lands at 10 and may be playoff bound.
BYU almost pulls one out. BroFro remains @ 7.
Meechy State wins. No AP love. Snottie adds 2. 7 total.
Louisville drops another one. McLovin' not lovin' it. 6.
Duke dumps G Tech, a ranked team. Again, no love from the AP. Clembosan @ 5.
Iowa outlasts another crappy team. 5 for CCS.
Meechy finally gets a win over another Big10 pariah. DPo @ 3.

USC. What the fuck? Reamed one week, diddled the next. Dumps #10 Arizona, lands back in the land of milk and honey, AP #22. That's 5 for the diddle, 3 for the rise to 22 and 1 for the win. Wipes out last week's horrible dive. USC back in positive territory with 1. Joy in SockPuppy Land.

Negative Territory:

Stanford with a much needed "W". Avoids the ream, rises to #23. QLove with -2.
LSU beats Florida. Time was this would have mattered. 1 for the win. SkHank @ -8.
Wisco downs some punching bag. Yawn. 1 for the win. -8. Sucks to be you, TBone.


1 comment:

  1. Impressive Yo Yo action by USuCk
    Helps to re-energize Chuck
    Last week down like a dead duck
    This week a more fortunate fuck
