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Monday, October 27, 2014

GG Week 10: Double Down

Week 10. Let's break it open.

2 points for each win, 10 for the sweep.

#4 Auburn @ #7 Ole Miss
#18 Utah @ #15 Arizona State
#10 TCU @ #20 West Virginia.

Be damned, Bitches!


Sunday, October 26, 2014

BRFL Week 9 Results. Clemsan calling.

Joey Bosa sacks PSUs dreams.

BRFL Week 9 results.

KState adds 2 with the win over Texas. Randjizz @ 22.
Jimbosuke, anoint ye his mane with oils, bags 1 on the bye week. 16. Solid #2 position.
Snottie and Sparty pick up 2 on the paddling of Meechy. New fucked up Brady Hoke shit lore: give a win-starved Meecherine a TENT PEG and have him drive it into the sod in East Lansing. Then get your ass whipped. Stay classy, Hokester.
Snottie with 11.
Holy SHIT. Clemsan. Fucking DUKE? Really? Say hello to your DIDDLE. (The Commissioner predicted this but, hey, no big surprise there.) You didn't even take the field and you diddled and you landed at #24. That's 6 on the weekend and you are now in double digits, My Man, sitting at 10. Did I mention that Duke is bowl eligible?
MORE SHOCKING SHIT: Hugh Freeze decides it's a "good idea" to throw deep into double coverage, down three with a makeable kick to force OT. Go ahead, put some extra air under it so the safety can just walk over. Crazy Les Miles blows a load in his pants and just like that, WHank goes from a nice firm diddle last week to a 10 point mega-orgasm of unbridled hysteria this week. Welcome to the good times, Bubba. You have 9.
McLovin orbits @ 7 with the Louisville bye week. BirdTurds return to action next week.
BroFro, all engines burning and instrument panel on fire, racks up another "L" vs. the Ponies yet, maddeningly, he remains @ 7. Want to see more suffering here. Not comfortable with this situation.
Iowa doesn't play and CCS stays at 5. El Floppo on the season, if you ask me.
Dpo. Meechy. 3. You are in hell. I almost feel sorry for you.
SeaDawg. Baylor with the bye. 2. Stays there. Probably forever.

Negative Territory:

OH MY GOD! Watching USC is like watching the stock market. Lose a tough one to the Utes and the AP lays down yet another Trojan ream. Crash dive from #20 to just plain fucking out of it. Minus 10 on the weekend. Your new home is minus 5, Sock.
Which isn't as bad as -7. Which is where Timmy! lives, even after a rare Badger "W".
Nor as bad as minus 8 which is where Q woman hangs her hat after besting the Beavers of OSU.


Start thinking Heismaniac.


GG week 9 results, Q Rolls.

GG Results, Week 9.

Q keep a rollin': Sweep puts her up to 29.
McLovin' sweeps and breaks on through to 24.
Chip n'Douche and SockMonkey @ 23, 2 points each. Tripped up on that dang USC game.
Clemsan snags 2, has 21.
DPo and the Commish @ 20. DPo swept nicely.
Seannie and BroFro @ 19. BroFro, get on the stick. You have BYU. GG is your only hope.
Snottie and RanDog: 15
TJizzy: 8. Like, forever.

4 Life.

Monday, October 20, 2014

GG Week 9: Who sucks?

GG Week 9.

A pretty lean slate of tilts.

So, who sucks worse?

Start with a real game, between two good teams:

USC (#20) @ Utah (#19). SockPuppet season maker. Or breaker.

Then, who has hit bottom?

Oregon State @ Stanford. Recent ream for Q. Hosting the Beavers. Place your bets.
Vanderbilt @ Missouri. Is this the end for Mizzu? Or do they start digging out on the back of the Commodores? We'll see.

I think these are all Saturday games.

Good luck.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Week 9 Preview. Bullshit.

This is bullshit because there are 4 teams with byes and that is not entertainment.

Baylor. Sucking. Bye.
Michigan State vs. Meechy. Now we're talking. Little Brother beatdown. Or not.
Texas @ Kansas State. Bevo. It's what's for dinner.
Georgia. Love me some Nick Chubb. Bye.
Oregon State @ Stanford. Q on suicide watch.
USC @ Utah. Tough one for SockPocket.
Iowa. Bye. Only way to not lose for CCS.
Duke. Bye. Clemsan on the bubble.
Louisville. Bye. McLovin' oddly silent. I'm okay with it.
Ole Miss @ LSU. Uh-oh, SkHank.
Maryland @ Wisconsin. Maryland on the Big10 version of a win streak. Lights out, Teebow.
BYU @ Boise State. BroFro and the Lost Season of Despair.


BRFL Week 8 Results

BRFL Week 8 Results:

KState 31, Oklahoma 30. Lots of AP love for Randude. The leader: 20.
Nick Chubb, 211 yards and 2 TDs. Georgia sends Burt Bielema down to hell where he belongs. Jimbosuke, long may he reign, is second with 15. Georgia #9 in the nation.
Meechy State takes a giant shit on Indiana. Everybody was talking about how Indiana was "really good this year". Uh, no. Snottie on pace to keep the Liberace. 9 total.
Tiny logs jammed at 4th place. McLovin', crisp Cardinals win. BroFro not so much as the Cougs drop another one, this time to Nevada. 7 for the BroBros.
Clemsan quality win over Virginia. But. No. AP. Love. Duke hanging around. 6 for the DutchBoy.
USC takes Colorado out behind the woodshed. Iowa, continuing to suck, loses to Maryland. SockShortBus and CCS locked at 5s.
Meechy doesn't play. Sound strategy. DPo remains at 3.
Remember how I said SeaGra was, maybe, "playoff bound" last week? Not so fast, My Friend!!
Baylor mails in a douche-o-gram vs. West Virginia: pounded 41-21, and the AP has it's say. Seannie power dive from #4 to #12. Total 2 on the season. You're as dead as a smelt, Grahamsie.

Negative Territory:

SkHank has a big day. LSU opens a can on Kentucky on the road. DIDDLE! Plus 7 on the  weekend, now settling in at minus 1 on the season.
Wisconsin with the bye. Teeba holds tight to that minus 8.
Disaster strikes Q (again) as the Stanford Cardinal poops itself and loses to Arizona State. REAM!
Minus 7 on the day. Minus 9 on the year. Hurtin'.

Commissioner for Life

GG Week 8 Result, Q the Dominatrix

GG results, week 8:

Three studs picked KState to win and two of them swept: Randy and Q.

Q in the lead with 24. Sweep helped. Nice pull.
CCS and SockPuppet tied at 21. Second place.
Clembosan and McLovin' locked up at 19. Third place butt-buddies.
Jimbosuke, downy pillows and happy thoughts unto him, 18, 4th place.
BroFro and SeaBiscuit @ 17.
Randouche and DPo @ 15.
Snottie @ 13.
Teeba @ 8. Questioning the commitment here.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

GG week 8

GG week 8:

All Saturday games.

#14 KState @ #11 Oklahoma
#15 Oklahoma State @ #12 TCU
#5 Notre Dame @ #2 Florida State.

Get those votes in, Boys.


Monday, October 13, 2014

BRFL Week 7 results

BRFL Week 7 Results:

KState, bumped up 3 on a bye week. 1 for the no drop. Randiddle in the lead. 15
Georgia, sans Todd G., hammers Mizzu. Add 5. Jimbosuke stands at 12, may He forever prosper.
Baylor roars back against TCUsuck. Seannie lands at 10 and may be playoff bound.
BYU almost pulls one out. BroFro remains @ 7.
Meechy State wins. No AP love. Snottie adds 2. 7 total.
Louisville drops another one. McLovin' not lovin' it. 6.
Duke dumps G Tech, a ranked team. Again, no love from the AP. Clembosan @ 5.
Iowa outlasts another crappy team. 5 for CCS.
Meechy finally gets a win over another Big10 pariah. DPo @ 3.

USC. What the fuck? Reamed one week, diddled the next. Dumps #10 Arizona, lands back in the land of milk and honey, AP #22. That's 5 for the diddle, 3 for the rise to 22 and 1 for the win. Wipes out last week's horrible dive. USC back in positive territory with 1. Joy in SockPuppy Land.

Negative Territory:

Stanford with a much needed "W". Avoids the ream, rises to #23. QLove with -2.
LSU beats Florida. Time was this would have mattered. 1 for the win. SkHank @ -8.
Wisco downs some punching bag. Yawn. 1 for the win. -8. Sucks to be you, TBone.


GG Week 7 results

GG Week 7:
Mississippi State messes up a lot of sweeps.

The sweepers: SeaBiscuit, QSpot, McLovin'. All bag 5.

Here's how we stand:

Three way tie at the top:
QSpot, CCS, SockPocket all with 19.
McLovin' and ClemboSlice with 18.
Jimbosuke and SleaGra with 16.
Bro Fro has 15.
DPoon with 13.
Snottie with 11.
Randouche with 10.
TJizz with 8. Missed a few rounds.


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Week 7 tilts preview

Let's take a gander at this weekend's games:

BYU @ UCF. Thursday. Remember when a game like this mattered, BroFro?
Wash U @ #25 Stanford. Handle the Huskies, QLove? You'd better hope so.
#13 Georgia @ #23 Missouri. God Bless and Keep Jimbosuke, Commissioner.
Duke @ #22 Georgia Tech. Now's your chance, ClemboSlice.
#9 TCU @ #5 Baylor. Hatefest in the Lone Star State. Anything can happen, SG.
#8 Meechy State @ Purdue. Purdue Pete gets an ass-whooping.
Louisville @ Clemson. McLovin' claws his way back to relevance. Or not.
Penn State @ Meechy. Meechy is the underdog in every game from now til forever.
LSU @ Florida. Biggest Douchebag: Will Muschamp vs. CLM. SkHank, lame pick.
Indiana @ Iowa. Hoosiers vs. Hawkeyes. Equally shitty. Coin flip.
Illinois @ Wisconsin. Badgers win. Nothing to be proud of. Tim-so-lame.
USC @ #10 Arizona. Circle jerk in the desert. Nobody cares. A puker.
Kansas State with the bye. I hate Randy and his awesome pick. Hate, hate, hate.


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

BRFL Week 6 Blood Bath

Shall I spare you the sickening plunges experienced by your BRFL kin?

A weekend drenched in AP gore.

Stanford, not Stamford, entered the weekend @ 6. Hello, almost ream, power dive minus 11, you fetch up at minus 6 these days, Ms. Q.
USC. SockPuppet enters the weekend at 6 as well. Takes it in the pooper from Utah, crash dives minus 14, settles down @ minus 8. A ream for you as well, Amigo.
Wisconsuck. TJizz and his cheese-whiz take hard pipe from, who was it, Northwestern? A bunch of ChicagoLand egg-heads? Minus 13, Cali guy. It's ream time, my good friend, and your new home is spelled "Minus 9". You dropped 13 points this weekend. Oh my goodness.
Oh. Hi there, WHank. Would you like to suck the tail pipe of the BRFL Universe and douche 15 points into a hopeless no-man's-land of misery and pain? CAN DO, BRO! REAM, buddy, ream. I'm forwarding your mail, what little there is of it, to minus 9.
Did I forget anyone? Was there a ream job I missed? Oh, whoa, you know, guess what? I did miss one. Mr. "I love leading the BRFL" gets his comeuppance and a MIGHTY REAM OUT as BYU takes the Douche from TCU and you drop like a stone, BroFro, minus 12 and hello, 7. Which is a far cry from the 19 you had. Ha ha ha ha ha. I love your pain.

That's 4, count 'em, 4 reams in one weekend. This has never happened before. Personally, I couldn't be happier. Unless there were 5 or 6 reams.

DPo toils in hell yet, oddly, finds himself not doing too badly in the BRFL.
Snottie reigns ascendant. Disappointing, that's true. But he does have 12. Couldn't be helped.
Randoggie looking not too shabby with 11.
Fuck you, Sean. 7.

Here's the final tally:

KState (RZuck): 11
Baylor (SeaGra): 7
Georgia (Jimbosuke, May God Bless Him and Keep Him): 7
BYU (BroFro): 7

Liberace Territory

Louisville (McLovin'): 6

Meechy State (Snottie):5 (1 each for the win and the no drop. 2 on the move up, 5 total season.)
Duke (ClemboSlice): 4
Iowa (CCS): 4
Meechy (DPo):2

Negative Territory:

Stanford (QLove): -6
USC (SockSack): -8
LSU (SkHank): -9
Wiconsuck (TBlow): -9

What fun.

Good luck this weekend, Douchers,

Commissioner for Life

Monday, October 6, 2014

GG Week 7. Ancient Hatreds.

(#2) Auburn @ Mississippi State (#3). Does Miss State deserve to be #3?
(#9) TCU @ Baylor (#5). The TCU coach, Gary Patterson, hates Art Briles big time. Can he stop Art's high octane offense?
(#12) Oregon @ (#15) UCLA. Both coming off a loss. Season on the line. Pucker Factor 10.

Roll the bones, Lads.


GG week 6 results

One sweep, and one sweep only. ClemboSlice. Words fail me.

Three way tie for the lead. All @ 17: SockPuppet, ClemboSlice, CCS
Second place: Jimbosuke (Blessed Hosannahs unto him) 15
Third Turd: Q Woman. 14
Fourth: BroFro and McLovin'; 13. ButtBuddies.
DPo and SeaBunghole: 11
Snottie and Randilingus: 9
T-thong: 8

That's how she shakes out, Scumbags.
