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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

SkHank - The Austin Powers of the BRFL


SkHank 43
Randstain 37
Q-Spot 35
D.Po 30
Syph 26
Timmy! 25
Brofro 11
Sock Puppy 5
Commish 1
McLovin -3
Clemstain -4
SeaScrote -7
Snott -8

SkHank knows nothing of football, let alone the college game. Now he is walking away with the Commissioner's Cup. And $368 large. Kudos, bitch.

Randvagstain was second with $290. Not even a close second. For that, we can all be joyful.

Qlicious rounds out the podium with $264. But the Grahamalamadingdongs are in the hole. Thanks to Seannie screwing the pooch to the tune of -$282.

Biggest loser was Scott. He also lost the most money. Buh da dump. Cheeee. He's out -$295 and never embraced the blog. Bad karma. Learn from your insolence and repent. Better yet, don't. You paid the bulk of my $199 payday. Sweet. I'm awesome.

Chip Sore pulled off the impossible: rode Florida State to any where other than total doom and damnation...$147. And somehow cheated his way to the GG glory hole.  Big Money Chip.

Timmy!, the most fucking eloquent douche monger this side of the Pecos, and poet Laureate of the BRFL,  scores $134. Wax that, TBons.

Brofro made the boldest pick but picked the wrong MAC team. No points in this league for bolditude; you're out -$48. Easily consumed at the Jambo. Eat and drink into positive territory, Chief.

Suck Puppy proves even positive points can cost you big time. Five points means -$126.

The LaCava boys are out -$400 combined. No lovin' for McLovin. -$230. Michigan was so last year.  Jimbo, -$178. I made a lot of money with TCU, why couldn't you?

Clemstain proves that the ACC sucks ass. You are out -$243. Tough sledding there, Champ.

Now if you'll excuse me, Ima gonna go fuck a bitch up.


  1. Congrats to the was a great season despite my Wolverines being a horrible pick...see you at the extravaganza this Summer....

  2. Replies
    1. Same place they've been all year RichardHead....At the end of the last related posting for GG-Season 7, you know, in this instance under the heading of that little thing called The National Championship Game ?!?!
      C'Mon Man !!!!!!


    2. That would be under the post from Monday, December 17th there Sportsfans....Jheeeez !!


  3. $295 - $136 = You mean to say it only cost me $159 bucks to listen to D Po, Mclovin and Suki volley lame as Blog posts for the last 4 1/2 months? Bargain

    1. Think about how lame it could have been if anyone else really gave a shit enough to get involved and embrace the blog...coulda maybe been an even bigger bargain...maybe...


  4. Not so fast Mr. GG-7 Co-Runner only made $36, not $136..... so it cost you a little more to listen to our shit after all....


    1. Oh, you incredible DouchePosse.
      I turn my back for a couple days, take a little me time to get my Keys on, and the bitching begins. McLovin', maybe you should stay away from math. You get no love from figurin'. You don't do well with your "Gazintas".
      As in, Snott picked up 36 from GG, and an estimated 110 from Heismaniac, 36 gazinta 110 about 3 times, which is irrelevant, but allows me to use Gazinta in my post today. So, in fact, Snott got more like 146 back and it cost him even less than he thought to listen to us volley. He got a double double, the fucker, and if his Wisco pick hadn't crapped out he would have had the coveted triple triple, three sources of BRFL income in one year. Hasn't happened yet but, hey, a man can dream.
      McLovin', wow, you are so GG-centric. When did this happen? You are a power-mad freak. I may have to send you for some Gulag-time during the off season to re educate you.
      DBung, outstanding summary. I can't quit you, Bitch.

      Commissioner for Life

    2. GG's all I care about....Michigan sucked, thereby boning me in the BRFL and the Heisman always goes to whiny offense playing pussies, so who gives a shit...


    3. ... And I can't do math reel guud....McDumbAss

    4. Has anyone SEEN skHank? I don't think he knows he took home the BRFL cheese this year.

    5. Also, Syph with a double double for positive cash flow in the main contest and winner in GG. Amazing turnaround. Comeback player of the year or just above average homosexual teeming with lice? You make the call.

    6. McLovin,
      Pay the fuck attention dim bulb

  5. A little bitter I didnt win again....


  6. DBung, it's "Ima fuck a bitch up." Not "Ima gonna fuck a bitch up". The latter is like saying, " I am going to going to fuck a bitch up."
    Here for you, Homes. Always. Word.

  7. RandBung, you would have beaten senseless with iron rods then corn-reamed unconscious by the membership at large if you'd won again. Be thankful. Praise the Lord.

  8. DBung, please send me an email telling me how a person who has not regularly logged on to the blog would log on for the first time. I've got one of the BRFLers interested but they are clueless and I have forgotten.

  9. The easiest way to get on the blog is to go to

    There is no WWW at the beginning.

    To post a comment, there is a drop down box after you make your comment that says "Comment as"... most morons of the BRFL just leave it 'Anonymous', but if they just clicked Name/Url and typed something in, their life would be full of rainbows and unicorn farts.

    To go all in, open a google account, let me know what the gmail address is, and i can add them to those aMaizingly clever souls that post blog features full of wit and wisdom.
