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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Crazy Les Miles

Okay, stick with this one until the end for Les "I'm Certifiable" Miles' post game interview. Here's a guy who just douched the game by HORRIBLY MISMANAGING HIS LAST POSSESSION, falling back on the old "these kids played their hearts out" dodge. Les, you fucking cock-brained hat-monkey, how about you comment on why you chose to let Clemson off the hook by throwing, throwing, throwing on your last possession so the guys in Orange didn't have to use any of their time outs? YOU MOTHERFUCKER, I hate you so much. You lost me a bowl game. Why did I bet on you? WHY? I knew better. I knew what a fucking psycho masturbator you are with your go for it on fourth down bullshit and your apparent lack of understanding of some pretty fundamental shit. Like clock management. Join Sky Dawson on my "I fucking hate you" roster, Les Miles.


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