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Thursday, August 17, 2023

BRFL 2022: The Damages

 BRFL 2022. 

The Damages. 

I  have the spread sheet for this year's contest. Damned if I can figure out how to mail it. So here are the results in old school form:

CCS: $331 BRFL Champion. Congratulations to CCS. Had scUM.
Ronde': $229. Had USC.
DogTheBountyHunter: $145. Utah. Liberace is coming home with you. 
KBron: $103: Oregon Ducks.
'Bo$uke: $89. Texas Longhorns. I was ridiculed for this pick.
Q: $19. Iowa. 
McLovin: $19. Ohio State.
Chiba: owes 51 dollars. Cincinnatti.
DPo: owes 79. Houston Cougs.
Snottie: owes 93. Wisconsin.
Breaux: owes 107. Still hasn't been paid for last year. Horrible. NC State.
Timmy!: owes 135. Michigan State.
Lola. owes 149. Notre Dame.
SockPuppet: 331 dollars. Yeah. 331 dollars. Baylor. Bruce Pinkernell Award.

That's how it went down.
See Email for my Venmo account.

Lance Herbstrong,
Commissioner for Life.



  1. I'll be bringing the cherished cup for CCS!

    1. Thanks McLovin. I'll showcase it proudly.

  2. Why was I listed behind DPo when I owe less than him? Honest oversight or your way to "accidentally" disrespect me?

  3. I miscalculated your losings. You owe 93 dollars. As soon as I can figure out how to do it I will send you the spread sheet. I wanted to get your hopes up, then dash them, Bitch.
