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Wednesday, July 19, 2023

2023 BRFL Jamoboree Pay-Out Classic

 Buenas noches, mis amigas.

This year's BRFL Jamoboree and Pay-Out Classic has been moved to Saturday night, 6 PM, 30 Fair Street on September 9. The summer date just proved too problematic. 

This year's theme will be 'Merican barbeque. ChibaChew and I will not be journeying to New Hartford just to get bad-vibed by some arrogant South Asian men about an order they never heard of.  Again, let us bow to the Chibster for his inspired, improvisational, racist insults directed at the staff at Minar Indian Cuisine, New Hartrford, NY. Every so often a BRFLer steps up and covers him or herself in glory. Such was the case that evening in Utica. I couldn't have asked for a more gnarly, angry and stoned wing-man. 

But, I will not, I cannot, in good conscience, trust history to repeat itself. Let's face it. Most of you Turds are pretty lame. ChibaChew was, at least for that brief moment in the Sun, a generational player. Thus, this year we're going All-American and we'll see how that turns out. 

As you Twats well know we have never had a Jambo in September. Personally, I have really, really low expectations. Change my mind. 

Show me what you've got.

Lance Herbstrong
Commissioner for Life


  1. How many attendees for this September soiree

  2. Replies
    1. Could not agree more with the brilliance of this adaptation!

  3. Lots of good college football teams playing on that day, will be cool to change it up a bit and have it "in season"
    Kudos to the Commish
    ChibaChew can act as Sargent at Arms in case any rif raf or stray leftover touriststas try to crash the hallowed event
