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Sunday, January 8, 2023

Bowlathon '22, The Final Chapter

Bowlathon '22, Chapter 7.

CFP Tranny Bowl Championship

We have two southern teams playing for the National Championship tomorrow night (1/9) at 8 PM. (Some ESPN talking douchebags are going to blather for a half hour before kick off so, if you're into that sort of thing, you can tune in at 7:30).

Who among us actually gives a shit about this game? I like Sonny Dykes. Mostly because his name rhymes with Sunny Dikes. And because I hate Stetson Bennett, a walking, talking dildo named after a hat. So, I guess, if I had nothing else to do, I would watch this game hoping that the Fighting Dikes kick the living shit out of Georgia. 

But I'm better than that. I have my pride. I'm probably going to watch a war movie. Maybe 'Cross of Iron" with the late, great James Coburn. Or 'A Bridge Too Far' which is really underrated. 

Still, for you poor Sods who can't help themselves and are jonesing to watch 60 minutes of football and 3 hours of replays, official reviews and commercials for trucks, insurance and fast food, I promised to list this game as the final GG point and I will. It actually kind of matters in GG so choose wisely, Compulsive Masturbators. 

Georgia vs. Texas Christian University, SoFi Stadium, LA, California, 7:30 PM, ESPN.

1 for the win. Stoogatz for anything else. 

Roll the bones one last time, Brothers and Sisters.

Commissioner for Life

Allow me to mention that this week we will be picking our teams for the NFL playoffs. Many of you have paid your ten bucks. Some of you haven't. Apparently Ronde' has opted out due to a previously scheduled penis and testiculectomy. Good luck with the procedure, Ronde'. Everybody else who hasn't paid, and you know who you are, just text me 'WANKER' and I'll put you down for owing the BRFL ten bucks if you lose. Which is likely.