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Saturday, January 14, 2023

Bowlathon '22, Chapter 4 Results

 Old Business Clean Up.
Chapter 4
2 sweeps. Snottie and Lola. 

As gratifying as it is that you Tools trusted me on the GG results, I feel compelled to post the last few rounds. I might also add that trusting me to score things correctly is a fool's errand. Ask CCS and Breaux Freaux, my intrepid fact checkers. In any event. Here we go:

Texas Tech obliterates Ole Miss 42 - 25 on 12/28. If memory serves I was incredibly drunk at the time. 
Notre Dame bests South Carolina 45 - 38 giving Lola's 'left for dead' cause a late season boost.
THE Ohio Bobcats dump Wyoming by an FG, 30 - 27, serving as the 'sweep buster' for this set of games

Most people got tripped up by the Ole Miss loss.

Lola. SWEEP! Add 5 to go to 32. Strong.
CCS. Close but no cigar. 2 to go to 31.
DPo. 2 to go to 29. Ole Miss fuck-over.
Bronie. 25 to go to 27. 
Timmy! Only 1 to got to 42. Ole Miss and Wyoming put you out to pasture, Pardner.
'Bo$uke. 2 to go to 29. Disappointing. As usual.
SockPuppet. 2 to go to 27.
Q. 1 to go to 32. Meh.
DogTheBountyHunter. 2 to go to 38. Still a player.
BreauxFreaux. 2 to go to 40. Breaux knows gambling.
Snottie. SWEEP! 5 to go to 41 and suddenly this Bitch is threatening to take The Cheese🧀.
Ronde'. 1 to go to 31. Like watching somebody lose a lot of blood and not caring.
McLovin. 1 to go to 28. This is not golf, McLovin. High score wins. 
ChiChi. 1 to go to 28. Being dropped on your head as a baby comes back to haunt you.

2 Sweeps in Bowl Season is really rare. 
Make a big deal about it. 

Commissioner for Life.

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