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Sunday, July 17, 2022

The BRFL Soiree' Cometh



No, I have not yet let you know how much you won, nor how much you lost, in last year's epic BRFL confrontation. Believe me when I tell you that I am working on it. It's just that I'm working on  it very, very slowly. 

Harken, though, BRFL monkey people; The BRFL Jamboree is almost upon us. August 6th at 6 PM, to be precise. This will be our first convocation in three years due to The Plague and other mitigating factors. Sadly, there will be no "Barb's Pies" this time around. Barb turned a hundred and seventeen since last we got together and a half dozen pies for a bunch of drunks is a 'Big Ask'. BUT... the Jambo will happen.

 Allow me to further bloviate and point out that these are "extraordinary times" (again!) and it seems like everybody has a wedding or a "celebration of life" or something that's been put off for a couple years, happening every fucking weekend. It's exhausting. Tell me about it. Yet the Commissioner insists on a gathering of the Clan August 6th. Here we are. 

To get to the point, I need to know, from you, intrepid College Football gambling freaks, whether you intend to show for the Jambo. If you can't make it I certainly understand. The timing could be better. Send me a text or an email though, so I can get a rough head count. Let me know 'your intentions'. 

To be honest this is really all about me. One can eat only so much Lamb Biryani and Chicken Madras without lapsing into an unfortunate accent, so I really don't want to get stuck with enough left-overs to feed a platoon of starving Marines. 

In closing let us all lay our heads upon downy pillows tonight, giving thanks for The Commissioner who is,  as always,  looking out for us all, such that we don't make dumb-ass mistakes. 

Jimbo$$uke, Commissioner for Life.


  1. BroF and missus will be there. Unable to crack the science behind getting into your blog email. Looking forward to seeing data on slaughter here

    1. Very good news, BroFro. Come early, stay late. Kitten will be here. His first ever Jambo.

  2. I'll be there Oh Holy and Righteous Commissioner For Life

    1. You have to be here. You won.

  3. So glad that I can not make it. Worthless pile of horseshit.

    Very excited for the coming season.

    1. My prayers have been answered, Colossal Douchebag.

    2. I will miss you all and hopefully not be burned to a cinder here in hot California. Teebs

    3. Timmy! Stop, drop and roll. That's your mantra.
