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Saturday, July 10, 2021

BRFL Season Fourteen

 Attention BRFLers.

We are having a season. The Draft will commence as soon as the AP Poll comes out. 

Here is the Draft Order, first to last:

  1. SockPuppet
  2. Killer Bee, aka Obama, aka Lola
  3. Snottie
  4. DPo
  5. BroFro (there was a tie with Kitten. Coin flip taps you #6, Bro)
  6. Kitten, no bitchin'
  7. Ronde'
  8. CCS
  9. DogTheBountyHunter, aka SeaGra
  10. Jimbosuke, Commissioner for Life
  11. Teeblations
  12. KBronieMan/Woman
  13. McLovin
  14. QXXX

Ima throw this out there and it's possible we  might lose a few players. It's been a couple years and, no, there's no party this year. The Commissioner, God Bless Him and Keep Him and Shower Good Fortune Upon Him, has had some health issues and is hobblin' around like a shot dog. Is he happy about it? Fuck no. But that's a story for another day.

Like I sez, Ima throw this out there to youse guy's emails since I know a lot of you assholes are blog-averse and if I hear from you that you want in, great. You're in. If I don't hear from you? Then fuck you, you're out. You can take a year off if you want. Shit, you can take the rest of your life off for all I give a shit. Just let me know if you're in. 

Same rules as ever. You don't understand them so what's the difference? If we have the right number of players, the Commissioner, May He Be Anointed With Fragrant Oils, is going to incorporate a relatively low stakes NFL playoff side hustle this year. As soon as DPo tells me how to do it. 

If you're in, start your research. Get yourself squared away. See attached rule book. Now get the fuck out of here.


Commissioner for Life


  1. SkHank's out.
    Still no word from Killer Bee, DogTBH, QXXX, BroFro, CCS.
    We could be lean and mean this year.

  2. It’s a blast from the past to be checking the BRFL website once again. Thanks for being there for us, Commish Vagine….Loser

  3. Obama/KillerBee is in. The draft order stands.
    We're 14 for 2021.

  4. You already know I'm in from our sidebar convos Mr. Commish-Man

    Hope is Not a Good Plan - McLovin'

    1. Oh yeah, I like that. "Hope is not a good plan." Strong pull, McLovin.

  5. Kitten says the AP Poll drops Monday, 8/16. What the fuck?! Seems early. Is he buggin'?
