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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

BRFL Poaches NFL Playoffs

BRFL Poaches NFL Playoffs.

      Beer me.

In what amounts to an amazing fucking coincidence there are 14 teams that make the NFL playoffs. 

Harken unto me, Plebians; the best team in each conference gets a fucking bye for week one. What's that? That's 2 teams. Then each conference plays three fucking games in the first round. 6 teams, wild-card and division champs. Times 2, what the fuck is that? 12 teams. Plus the two. Fucking 14. 

How many members in the BRFL? Fucking right! Fucking 14. 

On the Monday AFTER the last fucking Sunday of the NFL regular season we see where the BRFL membership stands, AP poll wise. 

Last place picks first. First place picks fucking last. Ties determined by a coin flip. 

Last BRFLer standing fucking wins the whole cheese. Second place is for losers. 

Prize? 140 bucks. 10 fucking bucks from each BRFLer. You want to make it more? Fuck yeah. Bring it. Let me know how you feel, Fuckwits. I can make it more. I can do whatever I want.

Fucking Venmo me your money. Everyone's in. Fuck it

Jimbosuke, Commissioner for Life


  1. Quit drinking and go to bed.

    1. Can’t tell from that pic if you’re about to slip into a food coma, a Percocet induced coma or both. Nice shirt… way to keep hope alive!

  2. Kitten first in with his Venmo money.
    I want to stroke his little belly.
    He wins the Keith Jackson Trophy. Last in wins the Howard Cosell. Winner wins the Danderoo.

  3. BTW, we're not doing the $100 pay in thing, though it was a good idea. I said fuck that.
