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Friday, August 7, 2020

Opting out


And they have begun to drop like flies. 
First, Micah Parsons, one of the best LBs in College Football. Until he wasn't because he is opting out on the 2020 Covid season. Say good-bye, Happy Valley. 
Hey, Purdue, counting on Rondale Moore eviscerating Ohio State again this year, like he did in 2018? NOT SO FAST, my Friend. Rondale is opting out. (This one's a head scratcher but, hey, Purdue is going to suck this year.)
How do you think Mike Locksley, the Maryland coach, feels? His starting QB and 5 other guys are opting out. 
This season is rapidly developing into a shit show of Biblical proportions. 
Ohio State and scUM will play October 24, if the season lasts that long. Maybe at 3:30 so the game ends under the lights.
And Jim Harbaugh is already being a little Bitch about The Game.

What's wrong with this picture? Look to the right. Those are cleats. Jordans, to be specific, a brand Evil scUM has a contract with. It is commonly held that Harbaugh never takes his cleats off. When he's on the plane he wears cleats. When he's in the locker room - cleats. He lost a 5 star O-line prospect because he made his in-home visit wearing...cleats. 
Keep it weird, Jimmy. Always.

Commissioner for Life


  1. It's a cluster-fuck and will get more clustery and fucky...

    Pull The Plug Commish-Man!

    1. The MAC just voted to move the season to the Spring. For all fall sports. This will give other conferences the cover they need to do the same thing. I expect the B1G to announce a move to the Spring and that will be it. No fall season. Depending on what happens this winter we might BRFL in the Spring though picking will be a challenge since a lot of star players, upper classmen will have dropped out and entered the NFL draft.

    2. Saw that....
      Everyone seems to be waiting everyone else out on pulling the trigger on a decision

  2. Being a little bitch is what we are all about at Michigan.

  3. You seem more like a Birkenstock boy than a cleat man....
    just sayin'
