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Friday, August 7, 2020

Opting out


And they have begun to drop like flies. 
First, Micah Parsons, one of the best LBs in College Football. Until he wasn't because he is opting out on the 2020 Covid season. Say good-bye, Happy Valley. 
Hey, Purdue, counting on Rondale Moore eviscerating Ohio State again this year, like he did in 2018? NOT SO FAST, my Friend. Rondale is opting out. (This one's a head scratcher but, hey, Purdue is going to suck this year.)
How do you think Mike Locksley, the Maryland coach, feels? His starting QB and 5 other guys are opting out. 
This season is rapidly developing into a shit show of Biblical proportions. 
Ohio State and scUM will play October 24, if the season lasts that long. Maybe at 3:30 so the game ends under the lights.
And Jim Harbaugh is already being a little Bitch about The Game.

What's wrong with this picture? Look to the right. Those are cleats. Jordans, to be specific, a brand Evil scUM has a contract with. It is commonly held that Harbaugh never takes his cleats off. When he's on the plane he wears cleats. When he's in the locker room - cleats. He lost a 5 star O-line prospect because he made his in-home visit wearing...cleats. 
Keep it weird, Jimmy. Always.

Commissioner for Life

Monday, August 3, 2020

Make Believe

See this guy? He's Caleb Farley, the Virginia Tech cornerback who is ranked the #1 cornerback prospect for the 2021 NFL draft.
Here's a question for you. Do you think Caleb is going to suit up for the Hokies this year?*
(Answer at the end of this post).

Here's a little something from elevenwarriors a few days ago.

NOT SO FAST, my Friend. Here's an article from today's Wall Street Journal.

And then we have this desperate nonsense. I mean really.

Personally, I don't see a college football season happening this year. Honestly? I don't think it should. Everybody talks about how, when young people get Covid it "doesn't affect them much". Except when  it does. There have been many articles and interviews with college athletes who have had Covid and they often say it is months before they get their stamina back and some still haven't. So, as we know, this is all about the TV contract money, the money that home games throw off (though, really, how much will that be? Ohio State is going to put only 20% of the asses they usually put in the Shoe for home games).

So, I've talked to some BRFLers. I'm the Commissioner for God's sakes.
The question is, do we pause the BRFL and bag this season? This season which promises to be a shit show and where the results will be based on, basically, the same  odds as those of throwing a dart at a board blind folded and nailing the bullseye?

I vote we bag it. So do Randiddle, McLovin, BroFro and KBronie.

Let me hear from you.

And, also, let  me see your checks so people can get paid.

Commissioner for Life

* and the answer is fuck no! Caleb's not playing. At all. Are you crazy?