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Sunday, July 5, 2020

Cue the Somber Music

This is a picture of Shaun Wade, arguably Ohio State's best DB, getting ejected from the Clemson game. This was a travesty of replay justice. But I headline this little BRFL missive with this picture to illustrate how quickly situations can change.

There will be no BRFL payout at 30 Fair Street this year.
Without putting too fine a point on it the Virus is just too frightening.

Most, if not all, BRFLers have grandchildren and/or frail, elderly parents.
Last night Denise and The Commissioner entertained, outdoors, our next door neighbors. And while it was fun it was also a complete Covid shit show. By the time we adjourned, everybody was drunk and hugging and had been having 12 inch distancre face to face "discussions" for hours. Not to mention the shared tasty treats.

Several BRFLers (Komronovich, Obama, Mrs. CCS, etc.) have seen the Virus up close and personal. I think the consensus of opinion would be that the best thing that can happen to you if you get it is to die.
So the Commissioner, in a disturbing turn towards mature decision making, is pulling the plug on the Jambo. Maybe we can virtualize something. I'll work on it. You fuckers still have to pay up so we can make the winners whole. But as far as getting together, with the attendant hugging and kissin'? No. Not going to happen.

Your thoughts?

Commissioner for Life


  1. Sad, but probably the smart thing to do.
    Congratulations again to Q as the Winner!

  2. The Commissioner's Cup remains on my mantle as a receptacle for my sputum.

    Libtards taking away my freedums! Right, McLovin?

  3. I can accept this more than a lame new puppy excuse, Damn this virus!

  4. Weird Wild and Freaky Times We Live in Now, DPo...
