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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Strange Days

Well...uh...more bleak college football news rolling in.
Still, let's focus on the pay out.

I'm thinking August 15th, the latest possible date.
I think the last time we did this we had Lucy Townsend's outfit cater. Basically Lucy did it herself. And it was awesome.
Need some input from the group about what they feel comfortable with.
Do you guys feel comfortable getting together? Denise and I do. I know McLovin is in. We can sort of distance, have families sit together. Work out something with the serving of the food. Wear HazMat suits. Bottled oxygen.
Open to suggestion.

Commissioner for Life


  1. The news I watch says the virus stick to clothing so I plan to be al fresco. Everything flappin in the breeze. My only conflict is sending the boy off to college, which they say we will be assigned a date and time in a given week. No idea when that is but will be between the 10-14th of August. Also, not sure if anyone wants us around if we've been to that vile cesspool, Ohio.

  2. BroFro plus one on August 15 sounds perfect

  3. I'm In.

    Looking forward to D Po's nudity, who wouldn't?
