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Thursday, January 2, 2020

GG Rose, Cotton, Sugar Bowl Results

Alabama bests Meechy 35 - 16. This game was a lot closer than the score looks. Shea Patterson was off target on deep balls all day. If not for that this one could have gone the other way. Late touchdown by Harris makes it look lopsided. Wasn't.
Oregon edges Wisconsin 28 - 27 in an instant classic Rose Bowl.
Georgia bullies Baylor 26 - 14.

BroFro; 2 to go to 77.
Dpo; 2 to make 70. It appears Bro is untouchable.
CCS; SWEEP! Nice pull and another power  move. 5 to go to 68.
Kitten; SWEEP! Holy shit, what's gotten into you lately? 5 to go to 64.
QXX; 1 to go to 61.
Obama; 2 to go to 60.
Snottie; 2 to go to 58.
KBron; 2 to go to 57.
'BoSuke; 1 to go to 57. Shit.
Ronde'; SWEEP! Whoa, ho, ho, 5 to go to 57.
SeannieG; 2 to go to 54.
McLovin; 2 to go to 54.
SockPuppet; 2 to go to 51.
SkHank; 2 to go to 51.
Timmy!; Train hopping across Siberia. No cell coverage. 36.

One left.
Clemson vs. LSU on Jan 13.
These GGers picked the semi final games correctly and could pick up a "sweep" (5) if they pick this championship game right. If you pick it wrong, you get zero for this round:


The rest of us are picking for 1 point. Including Timmy!.

Roll the bones.

Commissioner for Life


  1. Why me no listed Joe?!?!

    League Discrimination

  2. So if you have 3 points for getting the semis correct, you get 5 points if you pick the winner. If you submit a pick and get it wrong, you lose your 3 points from the semi final round?

    1. Sort of. The three points have not been awarded yet. Only if you picked the two semifinal games right do you even have the POTENTIAL to pick up 5 points for picking the Natty game. If you miss the Natty you get zero for that game, or that round which is a one round game. You already go points for picking the semi games. If you missed the semi games the best you can do is get one point for picking the Natty. So the guys and gals who picked the semis have a chance for a bonus if they pick the Natty right.

    2. Which is to say the mythical three points materialize suddenly in the form of a "sweep" (5) for picking a single game (the Natty) correctly. Clear?

  3. You're right. I just missed putting your results up. Fixed it.


  4. Jimbosuke in with...

    Clemson Tigers

    Commissioner for Life
