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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

GG, KState Games Results

GG, KState games

Navy downs Kansas State 20 - 17 with a trick play. Not pleased.
Wyoming guns down Geo State  38 - 17. Count on the Cowboys in a bowl game.
Texas power-douches a depleted Utah secondary 38 - 10. 'BoSuke's season keeps getting worse.

BroFro; 1 to go to 75. Not your best outing.
DPo; 2 to go to 68.
CCS; 2 to go to 63.
Q; Zero. Stay at 59.
Kitten; 1 to go to 59. A missed opportunity to gain ground. Bad move.
Obama; 2 to go to 58.
KBron; 1 to go to 56. Trick play saves your ass.
'BoSuke; 1 to go to 56. Never pick against a service academy. Dumb ass move.
Snottie; 2 to go to 56.
SeannieG; 2 to go to 54.
Ronde'; 1 to go to 52. Thank a Midshipman.
McLovin; 2 to go to 52. Betrayed by Utah.
SockPup; 2 to go to 51.
SkHank; 2 to go to 50.
Timmy; Satellite image has him on a roof top in Pyong Yang. Appears to be running. 36.

Commissioner for Life

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