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Monday, October 15, 2018

GG Week 7 Results

GG Week 7 Results;

#13 LSU crushes #2 Georgia in Baton Rouge, 36 - 16.
#17 Oregon dumps #7 Washington in OT, 30 - 27.
#12 Meechy blisters # 15 Wisconsin, 38 -13.

KBron. Meechy messes up his sweep-dreams, 2 to go to 22.
BroYo. 1 to go to 19.
BoSuke. Should have gone with the Tigahs. 2 to go to 19.
Randog. Strike out. Zero to stay at 17.
CCS. Close. 2 to go to 17.
SockPuppet. 2 to go to 15.
McSucky. 2 to climb to 15.
DPo. 2 to go to 15.
BridgSadness. oh for three. Stay at 14.
SeannieG. 1 to move to 14.

Commissioner for Life.


  1. Thrilled as I am with the Badger beatdown... MSU and PSU back to back has me a wee bit concerned.

    1. It's a bitch. Moo U in East Lansing and then PUS at home. Do you get a bye week in there or have you already had yours? If you stay healthy you will win those games. This looks like
      one of Harbaugh's nasty Stanford smash mouth teams only with a better defense.

  2. So close to a sweep with my ( and K-Man's ) LSU pick.
    Of course there's always that little factor of Wisco boning me.
    GG is not looking good for me this season.
