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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Wasted, barefoot and pissed off in Ann Arbor

This is the kind of shit that makes the off season worth living through. Could have happened anywhere. But pretty sweet that it happened in Ann Arbor. Fergus getting a jump on St. Patty's day celebrating? Don't mess with this dude when he's cranked up. More gory details here, from The Ann Arbor News. Chalk it up to a bad case of  "the Mondays". Stepping into the lead for the Jamar Hornsby Award here in the early going. I doubt he'll keep that JHAward lead though because, technically, he wasn't being a scumbag to anything but a parked car. And a policeman. And a lab tech. As for the DUI, let's not go there. Could have been me doing something this idiotic except I wouldn't be caught dead in a Chevy Tahoe.
So this is where we're at in March in the BRFL. Putting up stories about people's lives being ruined through acts of monumentally bad judgement.
Have a great day!

Commissioner for Life


  1. Standing barefoot in the snow, 10 am on a Monday. This is bath salts level of intoxication.

    Is college football such a pressure cooker that staffers turn to high levels of intoxication to cope, or is it compulsive personalities that are drawn to the sport?
