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Wednesday, March 7, 2018

BRFL 2018, Season 12 - the Payoff

I'm looking at August 11, a Saturday, about 6 PM, 30 Fair Street. The usual set up. Major awards. The coveted Commissioner's Cup. The Liberace. This year a special award for GG, since I won. The Shame Penguin for second to last. The Bruce Pinkernell for last place.
Who's good for this date?

Commissioner for Life


  1. I assume I'm good. As you know, I make know plans until the Payout date is announced, then I fill in my social calendar around that. Shame on those who are not like me.

  2. I’ll catch a 100 pound hali in Kodiak that day and name it Vagine in your honor, right after I club it’s brains out on the fantail of the F/V Gooch. Or something like that. BroFro

  3. Good for Me, McLuvin'
