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Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Siren Song of Negative Territory

Seems no one cares about starting in the red this year. Well, almost no one.

Here are the standings before our first kickoff:

Clemson AP #2; but starting at negative 4 in the BRFL
Florida State #4: -2
LSU #5, -1
Ohio State #6
Meechy #7
Tennessee #9
Notre Dame ranked #10
TCU and Jimbosuke #13
Wash U #14
Iowa #17
Louisville #19
Oregon #24
Florida #25
Boise State unranked
Miami unranked

Let's see how this works out. Sock can tell you that starting deep in negative territory can be a lonely place.

Commissioner for Life


  1. Did the rules change? Last year sock started out at -5 with Ohio State ranked #1. This year I start out at -5 with Ohio State ranked #6???? Q

  2. I got a comment along the same lines from Scott. Something is wrong here. I looked at the rule book for Season Ten and you were right, only the top 5 teams got penalized. I think there was some sort of informal discussion about changing the penalty points to include the top ten teams. But since there was no party last year I can't understand how we could have voted on it. It might be buried somewhere in the blog. The rule book I sent Komron has the change in it (penalizing the top ten teams) but that document is dated July 5, 2016. Which makes no sense. No one else has said anything, probably because they haven't looked at the blog. I think the only thing to do here is go back to Season Ten since I think that is the rule most people were considering when they made their picks.

    Sorry for the consternation. I don't think we have enough time to do the draft over and we would have to vote on the rule change anyway.
    Consider it for next year. I think it would make the game more interesting.

    Commissioner for Life.
